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It was a cold, clouded Wednesday, the rain poured down by the bucket-fulls onto the streets and anyone unfortunate to be caught under it. The atmosphere did nothing to comfort a young man walking down the sidewalk with an umbrella sheltering his body from the rain, though it didn't shelter his heart. He walked with a sad frown and eyes downcast, it felt like nothing had gone right since she'd been gone. As if she took all his happiness with him. 

Black dress shoes splashed water up to mingle with the droplets falling from the sky before joining the larger mass on the pavement once again. The tri-hair-colored male glared at the ground, remembering the day everything slipped through his fingertips. 


Atem was driving home from work, tired as usual. Though a small smile crawled onto his lips when his house came into view. He always found the end of the day so relaxing, to just be able to sit down at dinner and talk about his day, with his girlfriend always listening patiently. The paperwork he always had to finish wasn't so bad when he was in the comfort of their shared home. 

Pulling into the driveway he collected his coat from the passenger's seat, and headed inside, making sure to lock the car. Once he cleared the doorway he hung his coat and made his way to the living-room, expecting her to be sitting on the couch reading. 

But she wasn't. 

Confused he checked around the house. Things grew more and more suspicious as she wasn't in her studio, the kitchen, or the bedroom. 

Finally Atem checked the backyard and was relieved to see the young woman sitting on the porch steps. 

She turned around to see him and gave a small smile, 

"Hey," her voice seemed softer than usual. This caught Atem a little off guard, he sat next to her, smiling back. 

"Hey. Why are you out here?" 

She turned her eyes back to the ground, "I... I was thinking..." 

"About what?" 

She didn't respond, only bit her lip. This caused the tanned male to furrow his eyebrows in worry. He placed a hand on top of hers, 


She finally looked back at him and heaved a huge sigh, "About college..." 

Atem tilted his head. She never brought up such a subject before, sure when they were in high school she would talk about getting a great education and a job she fully enjoyed, but since they moved in together she had never talked about it. It was why he worked to pay everything, so she could improve her skills and start making money off of a job she loved. 

"What about it?" 

Nevaeh took a deep breath, her eyes glossing over, "I received an invitation to a college I've been wanting to attend for years. But, it's in America." 

A bit of realization dawned on Atem, 

"You mean, you'll be leaving?" 

She nodded, her tears finally spilling and falling onto her hands as she covered her face. Blubbering nonsense between the sobs. 

Atem couldn't believe what he just heard. Nevaeh, the girl he had loved for years, was leaving him. He held her to his chest, 

"Why...?" was all he managed to force out. 

She didn't reject his touch as she cried into his shirt, "I-I just need a n-new start. I f-figured this w-would be good for m-me." she stopped to take a few shuddering breaths, "I k-know it's selfish, b-but I..." she trailed off there. 

Atem clenched his jaw, his own crimson eyes brimming with the salty liquid. Neither said a thing more as both understood, this would never work out at so long a distance. 

The next day Nevaeh left early, having already packed the night before. Atem stood at the doorway, watching her retreating vehicle until it disappeared into the horizon. 

Although he believed he should feel happy for her, he couldn't help but feel broken. It wasn't easy to get over someone, especially with the guilt of knowing their feelings aren't lost. 

Atem closed the door. Slid down. 

And cried. 

~~flashback end~~ 

Although that was a year ago, the memory still tore him apart. 

Atem continued to walk in silence. His tears were long since used up, so he couldn't bring himself to cry. 

Passing an alley way, he heard something strange. It sounded like whimpering. 

Interest perked, the young man looked down the alley, seeing nothing but a box and a few trash bins. His sharp crimson eyes scanned again, expecting to have missed something. Still nothing. 

He was about to turn his back and be on his way, when the whimpers turns to crying. 

A baby's cry. 

Venturing further in he searched around for the source. His gaze finally coming to rest on a cardboard box on the doorstep of a back door, something squirming and kicking inside it. 

Kneeling in front of the cardboard container he carefully removed the little blanket covering the restless bundle. 

Atem's eyes widened when he saw a young infant kicking and crying inside the box. There was no note, and no sign of a mother anywhere. Without thinking he dropped the umbrella and picked up the tiny bundle, trying to calm her down. 

Eventually she stopped crying and looked up at him with tired red eyes. He gave a small smile, once again looking around for any parent. 

His head snapped back to the infant when he heard her yawn. Tired from her outburst she fell asleep right there. 

Atem looked bewildered and unsure of what to do. The logical side of him told him he should take her to an authority of some sort. The other side told him to raise her himself. He felt like it was his responsibility somehow. 

Being careful of the fragile being in his arms he picked up his umbrella once more and walked out of the alley. The rain had calmed down a bit so it wasn't pouring, making it easier to shelter them both. 

His gaze once more rested on the little girl who was sleeping so peacefully, 

"Welcome to the family Gabriella." 


Hello! This is the beginning of my first non-reader-insert story. I hope you like it, and if you don't that's ok too. At least you tried it :) 

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