Chapter 4

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Important!!!  Please Read!

Hey guys I know I haven’t uploaded in a while but I have been super busy because I just started high school, and I have all the hard subjects this semester but oh well! Lol, but mind you, I had most of this chapter written but my sister was hogging our laptop and watching re-runs of iCarly and Wizards of Waverly Place on YouTube.  This chapter might be a little slow but the good thing is I finally know what I’m going to be doing with this story!  But I hope you enjoy and I’m very very very sorry!! P.s I just turned 14…. Like 2 weeks ago lmao :P

Chapter 4

Our car hit the pedestrian who was obviously jay-walking, but Andrew stopped the car before we could run over him or her and I did something pretty obvious, I screamed.

“Oh my god!  Go out there!”  I said to an unresponsive Andrew.

“Get out there you stupid douche lord and see if they’re ok!”  I yelled while shaking him.  That seemed to take him out of whatever he was under and run out of the car while telling me to stay put.  But me being the idiot I am ran after him.

I ran to the front of the car and ran beside Andrew who was looking for a pulse in the woman who looked like had fainted.

“She’s only fainted,” no shit, “ but she does have some scratches around her bare arms and legs from where we most likely was scraped by the road, but she has a bump at the back of her head meaning she must have gotten a minor concussion.”  Said Andrew said after checking her.

“What, are you a doctor now?”  I snorted.

“Well, I am studying to be a paramedic,” he said with a charming smile showing his full set of teeth.

Wow, looks and brains.  Very nice combo.

“Well, Mr. Paramedic, let’s get her to the hospital.”

He nodded and picked the woman up.

“Open the door up.”

I quickly complied.

When she was put in the backseat, we ran to our own and Andrew put the car to drive.

I looked at the clock.  11:39, wow, twenty-one minutes left of my birthday and it has been the worst so far.  Heck, I didn’t even get to celebrate it. 

“Happy Birthday to me.”  I muttered under my breath. 

“What?” asked Andrew.


“No you said something.”

“So what’s it to you?”

“Well, I want to know.”

“Do you really want to know?”

He nodded.

“Well it’s my birthday, and it’s been the worst so far!”  I said yelling.

Andrew just stayed quite.

“Well it is a very weird situation to say Happy Birthday in, we have an unconscious body in the car and we’re rushing to the hospital.  But still Happy Birthday.”

I couldn’t help but crack a smile out our situation, it was pretty when you think about it.

“No really, I could sing you Happy Birthday if you want.”


And he started singing and it was just so funny and I couldn’t stop laughing.

“I’m glad I made you laugh.”

“Thank you, I really needed that.”

We pulled up in the hospital and he parked the car right in front of the entrance even though it was only ten minute parking and we’d be staying here for a few hours.

Andrew got out of the car and ran to the back and took the woman out.

We quickly rushed to the entrance of the ER, and went up to the desk where the nurse immediately got her put on a gurney and taken to a room to check the women.  When we gave all our information we were told to go wait in the waiting room to give our statement to the police officer, who we were now waiting for. 

It felt like forever until the police came to get our statement.

“Mr. Andrew?”  asked the police officer once he came.

Andrew immediately stood up.


The officer extended his hand for Andrew to shake.  “Officer Peters.”

“Hello sir.”

“Well, you guys are free to go, and we’ll call you back once the patient wakes up.”

Andrew let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you,  sir!”

The officer ruffled his hair

“No problem kid, now get home and go to sleep it must be past your bed time.”  The officer smirked.

Clearly this struck a nerve and Andrew scowled.

“Yes sir.”  He said.

He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me out of the hospital and to his car which surprisingly hadn’t been stolen.  Thank the lord for that.  I’d rather him be kidnapped than this beautiful car.

We started driving through the dark streets, and when I say dark, I mean pitch black.

The events of the day washed over me full force and I couldn’t help but feel tired.

I looked at the clock and saw it was just a few minutes till midnight.

Well it must’ve been the most horrible day of my life but it was definitely also the most exciting.


I know this isn’t much of a chapter and it’s pretty boring and corny but I apologize hopefully the next one is better.  I didn’t really edit it either :S  My bad….

~ xXmysterious_soulXx   ß-- I should really change that username…. You guys should give me suggestions, I’m not very creative!

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