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--Shalyah's POV---

Once again, I woke up in the waiting room.  God, please just wake her up already.

We still had access to the hotel to shower, brush, etc. I would normally go there & be back in a half hour because I didn't want to miss her wake up. 

I left to the hotel and got back in a half hour as usual.

"Hey, your up early," Atif said.

"Ya, the chair is uncomfortable," I said.

"True. Do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Not really," I said. 

"Okay, let me know if you want something," he said and I nodded.

Manish joined us and we all started chatting. 

About four hours had gone by  & it was lunch time. I was starting to feel a bit dizzy but kept it to myself. Aarti is in a bigger problem then me, so I wasn't about to have anyone worry about me. 

"Babe,you okay? You've been like that for a while," Atif said.

"Ya. I'm fine, just a bit dizzy. It'll pass," I said.

"It'll pass my foot. I'm getting you something," he said and left.

In his absence Manish made sure I was okay, since he was the only one here. He wasn't even told to, he just did it.

"Here. You need eat," Atif said and force fed me. 

"Okay, now lay down," he said & I did. 

He kissed my forehead and was about to kiss my lips when I stopped him.

"There are people here," I said.

"Actually, it's a person & I can turn around and close my eyes," Manish said.

I laughed at that.

"Ya, could you please," Atif said.

I noticed him turn around and we kissed. 

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