The Crushed Mountain

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*This is my first book... Vote, comment, which ever, enjoy. (I don't know how to use wattpad very well, please don't judge my formatting!) Please send some feedback!


It was a border. One side lit in red and cast in shadow, and the other lit in blue and cast in shadow as well. Both were unkempt to the eye, and I was torn apart. One side I had grown up in and the other I was falling to. Which side you say? The side considered corrupt and unjust. I am torn, so torn like the space between a gorge. I was going against what I grew up with as right and as wrong.  I am a shattered being. A king of my palace and a mere evil on the other side of that border. The void of sound just rang in my ears. Where will I go? What life have left? How will fate judge my hand? I am on the line of that border, able to fall on either side. But where? Where will I fall? The wind bellowed through my hair and whispered into my ear. "Fear shall rule your hand and never shall peace become your ally." Then there was silence. But that silence seemed to speak to me. The blessings that I have received could never be broken.

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