Chapter Four: Playing with Fire

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Everything was happening to quickly. Nicolai, The Being and The Fallen. I sighed heavily. All three of them are demons. And they all owe a debt. Why am I in the midst of this psychotic trade? I have no previous involvements with demonic beings, just how is that so? Just a measly hour ago I was with him, William, chatting about dinner, and now I'm here, confused, dazed and shocked. I was shaking all over as a breeze swept through the trees. The border had moved outward or more over inward towards the sun. The Darkness is in the West where my home is.

"Mierah... I'm sorry to have brought you into this." The Being who apparently prefers to be called Keith nervously whispered. I turned to him, "What?" and raised an eyebrow.

"I felt moved to chase you out. You were the only one not affected by the shroud of evils. But, it wasn't I who chased you. I took you to the magic room to give you a potion, but when I turned you looked at me funny and ran. Only then did I realize it wasn't me you saw." He smiled wickedly. "That smile better unintentional." I stuttered, taking a step back or two. He turned away in split second, obviously hurt. "It's just my smile."

"Then how'd you gt here?" I whimpered. "I simply followed you two but I was thrown off by this black shadow called Nicolai." Keith responded in a less creepy manner. "I don't know why he's moping around you." "What is this mark I have?" I shuddered at my hand. Keith took a long stare at it. "It is a mark of the door. In other words you were chosen to be the gate keeper." Keith ambled directly in front of me. "What are you doing?" I yelped as he stepped towards me with his creepy grin. "You're too jumpy to be a knight, let alone brave enough. But let's find your friend." With that he took my wrist and we were consumed by the shroud.


"My Lady's Man Damien, why do you hate me?" Nicolai questioned emotionally. "Stop calling me that, scum..." The Fallen snapped. "Tsk, tsk... You're one to call names." Nicolai replied coolly. Damien growled and threw Nicolai into the castle's outer wall. Nicolai slid down and hit the ground with a thud.

"You are a horrible friend." Damien growled. "You got me into this mess and now YOU are getting me out! Understand?!"

Nicolai smirked as he brushed himself off. "Oh, Damien... Always blaming me?" He shook his head. "Get rid of the demon look it's uncouth." Damien growled and shook off his demon wares for a more suitable human form. He straightened his long coat and peered into Nicolai's bitter blue eyes with his traumatic teal ones. Nicolai smirked,"Nice hair, I bet the girl would love it. Oh, you might want to put your eye back in your head." Damien blew his straight brown hair from his face and shoved his eye into his socket. "Shut it. Clean your chest it's soaked in fluids... Why were you helping her?" Damien blinked at Nicolai. "Oh, I don't know... maybe I like her?" Nicolai grinned. "You know we need that gate keeper, you hopeless romantic." Damien growled. "And we need her alive." "Look you ignorant teal-eyed maggot, I don't know if you have notice, but I'm literally luring her back into the Darkness by doing nothing." Nicolai growled. "It helps to have a plan. It's bad enough you scared her away before Keith was able to potion her."

Damien raised a brow, "I've misunderstood you."


I don't trust him. Keith may be helping me to find Nicolai, but I feel in danger. The walls of the castle stood out against the radiating blasphemy of the shroud. How am I the gate... keeper...

I had an idea. What if demons use me to enter the Overworld? Both Nicolai and Keith had some type of contact with me when crossing over. It seems far fetched, but it makes sense.


Where are they? I don't want to be stuck with this girl. I think she's under the influence that he saved her life. How embarrassing... "Keith?" her little voice trembled, "You think you can find them, because you are a demon?" I shuddered at this. I never wanted to be a demon, but I felt stuck. I had thought cutting my wings off would rid me of my problems. Since then, I kept my halo for a single hope of forgiveness and safety. But halo was no loner a halo but a collar. The Demon told me to find and collar a gate keeper with it to begin the war of wars and to take back my spot in heaven. I'm not crazy. "Keith?" she suddenly said very sternly. Wow, she's a bit off her rocker. "I don't know..." I finally said.

I kept thinking. How could I have done it? To potion her? I may be a demon now, but I am no fighter. I've always hated war.

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