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I woke up in a squeaky metal bed, on a thin mattress. I was hooked up to an IV, and had blood going in as well. Blue curtains inclosed me.
I saw a monitor showing my heart rate. My back hurt quite badly. Who was shooting me? And did they shoot anybody else?
Suddenly, the curtains opened and were dragged to one side. I was face to face with a doctor, who took out a stethoscope, and checked for my heart.

"Hello, Melissa. You were shot in the back earlier by an intruder with a dart, but sense you're immune, you will not be infected" she said.

What darts is she talking about?

"There was a complication in removing it, because it hit an artery, so we went into surgery. It was successful, nothing to worry about. Oh, I didn't even introduce myself... Im Dr. Mary Cooper" she said.

"I know. I remember you" I said.

There was an awkward pause, as she filled out some forms.
I heard something moving up in the vents, and looked up. With the blood bag in the corner of my eye, it made me wonder who's blood that was.

"Who's blood is that?" I asked, pointing to it.

"Well, a young gentleman donated it to you, once we broke the news about your complication in surgery" Explained Mary.

"But who exactly?" I asked

"Lee Minho" she answered.

"Where is he? Where are my friends? Are they okay? Did the shooter get them?"

I knew none of us were safe, and the only thing on my mind at the moment, was making sure everyone I came here with were okay.

"Everyone else is doing just fine Melissa. Worry about yourself, and get some rest" ordered the doctor, closed the curtains, and left me alone.

I felt very tired, but I also wanted to talk to someone. Anyone. About anything. I wanted someones company. Didn't matter who, but I would like to talk with Minho more than anyone. To thank him, and to ask for some explaining. Clearly, I won't get any explanation with Mary.


After my nap, I woke up with a sudden urge to drink. My throat had never been this dry before.
I turned to my side, hoping a glass of fresh cool water will be waiting for me on the side table, but there wasn't.
I turned to my other side, wanting to press the blue button  for service, but noticed a big glass window, which was there before, but this time, on he other end were bodies strung up. The same way it was done to me when I left W.I.C.K.E.D to return back to the Glade.
It was terrifying seeing it again. The scariest part would have to be the fact, that I hd no idea if the people there were alive or dead...

I pressed the blue button out of panic, but before I could, I heard footsteps.

I turned back to my other side, and saw Mary Cooper.

"Hello, Melissa, how are you feeling?" She asked
"What are those bodies doing there?! What are you doing to them?" I asked, furiously, pointing to the window, but not looking at it.
"Melissa, there are no bodies over there" she answered.

Is this woman blind?

Or maybe I was...

I shut my eyes, and opened them again, then turned around to the window once again.

She was right. There were no bodies there. In fact, there was absolutely nothing there! Only an empty corridor with a fancy door at the end of it.

"But... They were just there" I said in disbelief.

I faced the doctor for some answers.

"You're experiencing hallucinations. Its normal after surgery, especially with the anesthesia we gave you. It'll wear off soon" she answered.

"So... You basically drugged me?"

"How about I'll bring someone to comfort you" sighed out Mary, completely avoiding the question.

She walked out of the tiny room, and didn't bother closing the pale-blue curtains.

When Mary came back, she had Teresa by her side.

"Hi Mel" said Teresa, as Mary left the room, and shut the door.
I liked Teresa, but I didn't want to talk to her. After that flashback, which I didn't know if it was true or not, but I still god nasty vibes from her.

"Hi" I said, as if something had forced me to spit it out.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, and walked over to my bed.

"Im fine- Im always fine. Where are the others? Are they okay?" I asked.

"Jeez, do you even care about your sister?"

"Yeah, do you?"


"I know you're okay, because your standing right next to me. Breathing, and not a single scratch is on you" I continued.

"Mel, I don't know if you remember, but before W.I.C.K.E.D got us, we got into an argument and—"

"I remember alright. You put the blame on me for 'killing' mom. But, why?"

"You see I only found out the truth recently, and Im not sure you're ready to here the full story yet. So I'll start from the beginning and the beginning only. Dad, and I worked for W.I.C.K.E.D, he and I had a better relationship than me and mom. But after what you did, you ruined everything. He left after the incident, and I was so angry, sad. Especially at you, but I had —"

"You worked for W.I.C.K.E.D?"  I exclaimed, trying to wrap my mind around it.

"Yes, but I don't anymore. Clearly"

Not only was she faking being "happy" around me, but also hd the nerve to work for the people we are up against!? Sure she couldn't have seen it coming, all of this, but could she have at least suspected it?

"Mel, please understand—"

"No... Just go. Get out" I ordered.

I didn't want to listen to her nonsense.

"Please let me finish!"

"I've had enough time talking with you! I trusted you! Please leave!" I finally yelled out.

Teresa stormed out without saying a word, and was just as mad as I was.

I couldn't believe my own sister...

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