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We all continued walking in silence, trying to accept the fact that Winston committed suicide. It was already getting dark, and all of us remaining gladers were getting tired.
There weren't any places we could actually hide in, so we all made a pit stop in the middle of the blazing scorch, though it got cold every night. We were all laying on the cold dry ground, and with the blink of an eye, fell asleep, but the sleep phase didn't last long. Waking up to loud lightning bolts was not a fun experience.

"Guys, wake up!" Thomas explained.

"Kind of already did that Tom" said Minho.

"What's going on?" Asked Teresa, wiping her eyes.

I sat up on the cracked droughts land, and stared into the distance.


Another lightning bolt hit the ground, and made more noise than the previous one.

"The lightning is getting close—" said Thomas

"Yeah we can see and hear that" I said

"But we made it! We made it to the mountains. See! There are lights over there!" He continued.

Immediately, we all got to our feet, and love looked into the distance, as lightning cornered us in.
There were multiple buildings. Some had lights on, some didn't.

"Guys, we gotta start moving now" said Aris.

I started to jog, faster and faster with each strike the bolts hit the ground. I was ahead of everyone, and wasn't planning on stopping until we get into one of those buildings.

Each time the lightning hit the ground, it made my heart skip a beat. Made me want to say "Hey, mother nature, I know you're there, we can perfectly see that, but, can you stop for a little while? Kinda busy hiding from W.I.C.K.E.D"

It started to rain, and we were half way there to the closest building. When I say raining, I mean hardcore-shower raining.

The sand and the fog were being mixed together, creating this unbearable mist which was difficult to see through

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The sand and the fog were being mixed together, creating this unbearable mist which was difficult to see through.

Finally, I stepped into the first building, and took multiple breaths.

Aris, Teresa, and Newt were already in the building with me, where as Thomas, Frypan, and Minho were a little behind.
The storm didn't stop.

"Come on shucks!" Yelled Newt


I turned around to see how close they were, and my heart stopped.

I saw a body get hit by lightning, and fly to the side. I couldn't make out who it was, because it was it was so shuckin' dark.

"Please tell me that did not just happen" I said

"I think it did" Said Teresa.

The body of whoever got stroked, was carried away by the two others. The boy was now unconscious, barely even moving.

When they brought him in, I was too scared to look who it was.
Turning around, I slammed the sliding doors of the building shut, and walked to the rest of the group.

Thomas and Frypan were hovering over the body.

Meaning only one thing.

My best friend was the one who got struck.

HELLO. Okay so im sorry for the short chapter, but i have a valid reason... Its because i had surgery yesterday (Jul.4th)  and needed my beauty sleep. So I'll probably update tomorrow or in two days time, not really sure

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