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Today is going to be really fun, my sister and I are going to dance at the parade, there will be loud music, and is a day where we can forget we have a country to run and just blend in with the people and have fun.

I decided to go with a black skirt that came above my knees and a silver shirt with black music notes all over it. My hair was curled and put into a pony tail and my make up was light with just mascara, eyeliner and the pink lipstick that I stole from my sister.

"Time to go "I heard my mom calling us.

"Okay so remember Alexis you do your speech at four o'clock, the three of you talk to as much people as you can, be nice, be careful, always remember your manners and most importantly have fun!" My dad said.

When we arrived a least half of the country was already there, you could see people talking, laughing, and dancing.

"Wow your people are very enthusiastic." Prince Steven said looking out the window.

When we got out the limo, people started cheering and waving at us it was nice to see that they had big smiles on their faces. We blended in an hour later, after taking pictures, people started to get excited because it was almost time for the big show and after that I would have to do my speech. Everyone was getting along, me and a couple of friends decided to donate our blood to the medicine stand. After that it was time for our dance routine.

"Hey Alexis time for your speech "

"Hello everyone today I want to make you reflect the importance of living on the moment, so here is something I wrote while I was looking at the stars and just thinking about life."

"Wow, it's amazing how time passes by so fast, how you begin to see life in a different way; you look for so many answers, you want to stop time but you also want to know what the future holds for you, you want to make all your dreams and goals come true. You begin to realize things you never paid attention to, terrifying things yet so exiting, you begin to ask yourself how are you going to make it in this world?

There is so much to see, so much to explore, to learn. Will you be able to accomplish everything you want?

Will you die knowing and seeing the things in the world that you wanted? Will you remember them?

Memories. That is all we have left. I wish we didn't forget the things we don't want to forget.

Every day we learn something, even if we don't realize it. And every day is a good day because we survived, we lived. When I leave this world I want to have had seen every place I wanted to; have accomplished my goals and made a change in people's life, a change in the world. Most people dream with changing the world, I hope for me is not just a dream but something I did,

People are so disconnected from each other, from themselves. They let society turn them into what they think they should be, they are not guided by their feelings but by their minds, and there is nothing more unique than feeling. Some people will find it cheesy, but how would the world be without them? How We would be without them?

Our minds think, they analyze and make a decision that seems the best: yet feelings are intuition and they KNOW the truth because you can feel it. There is nothing more precise than feeling that that is what you need, that is what makes you feel happy, sad or you just feel nothing at all, which means, you shouldn't waste your time in it.

Here we are; back to time, our lives depend on time, we have settled our lives around it, because time makes the world a certain way, it builds our lives: "time to go to sleep", "time to eat", "it's time to grow up", "time for this time for that..."

We believe we are free but the truth is that we will always be slaves of time, that's how our universe works, that is just the way things are. Even music depends on time.

So I guess we are trapped in time, in our feelings... BUT what makes us have a free life, the reason we have freedom is because we have a choice, we can choose how to spend our time, we can do something about the way we feel so... We have freedom, because we can do whatever we feel like doing in the time we have on this world.

We all have our own way to express ourselves and mine has always been through writing. When I write I feel the world around me disappear, all my fears, my problems, they just vanish and it feels so good to write it all down. I like to take time to watch the stars, to imagine the shape of the clouds, to feel the wind running thought my hair, I like to see the birds flying and I love the sound of the sea, the feeling when I am under water, the feeling I read a book that takes me into another daydream. And the reason I am telling you this is because I want you to ask yourself:

What do I want to do with my time? what makes me feel happy?

And do it because the world is not going to change for you, and you shouldn't change yourself for the world but make a change in the world. And change starts with you. Be the best you can be, make the best out of anything and enjoy every little thing. Don't waste your time and always dare to dream, because even though it's hard for you to believe it right now, your craziest, most wonderful dreams might actually come true as long as you do something every day to get closer to your goals and never ever give up."

People started cheering and clapping I really hope my speech inspired them.


"Today was really fun, i wish we had a day like that in england. I am sure you galvanized a lot of poeple". Prince steve said.

" i hope so, i want to be like Maria Anastasia". But for that i need to unlock her secrets and i don't know if i should.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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