Chapter 7

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Hey guys ! 💜💜this is the third time I post a chapter today because I have nothing else to do and I figured why not write another chapter ! Don't forget to vote ! ILY!❤️❤️ it contains some violence and stuff .

Ethan's POV
I walked into the nurses office to reveal Kristy and Alexis shouting at each other and I saw Kristy about to slap Alexis but the nurses held her down . Kristys face was bruised and she has scratch marks on her arm and cheek , Alexis has red marks on her face and a bruise on her right cheek .

" I swear if I see you again , I'll kill you!!" Kristy yells at Alexis . I run over to Kristy and kiss her . I pull away and see Alexis eyeing us with pure anger but I ignore her .
" Babe , you weren't there for me. You didn't stop her from hitting me !" She yells at me . I felt guilty and sad .
" I know , I know I tried but she picked me ! I swear babe I'll never let her hurt you " I tell her as I hug her .

" Alexis and Kristy " the principal calls as he enters the nurses office .
Kristy gets up and Alexis follows her . They stand in front of the principal and look down.

" we're here " they both say in sync .
" In my office now !!" the principal yells angrily at them . They both walk out of the office as I leave and head to my next class. Great ... Science !! ( note the sarcasm) .

*skip to night*

Haileys POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar dark room and my head was hurting . I look down and I feel pain in my private area . I see bruises on my upper thigh . What happened? I tried getting up but realized that I was chained to a pole . Shit! . The pain was getting worse , the more I tried getting up .
" HELLO !!! HELP ME !! " I screamed as I tried getting out of the chains but I couldn't .

I heard footsteps walk down the stairs .. I guess I'm in the basement of some house . I saw a dark figure approach me wearing a black mask .
I started crying as he got close to me . I felt pain in my thighs as I tried backing away from him . " WHO ARE YOU !! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME !! " I yell at him . The person was holding a tray filled with food .

" you were delicious babe and since I've eaten my meal it's time for you to eat yours " the figure says as I see him put the tray down in front of me and walks up to me and unlocks the chains . I looked at the door at the top of the stairs . I had to do this .

" don't even think about it " the person says as he grabs me by my neck . I was scared , my breath hitched as I could see his eyes look deep in my eyes .

" Start eating ,baby girl . We don't have all night! " he yelled making me grow even more scared .
" I'm not hungry " I mumbled .
" what did you say ? " he said sternly.
I started eating and when I was done I asked if I could go to the bathroom .
I stood up and the pain in my private area was there again .

I walked slowly up the stairs and the pain was fading . As I was walking I felt his hand on my ass and I pushed his hand away .
" you were delicious by the way " he says .... Wait ...... Did he really rape me ?!?
" umm.... Did we have sex ?" I ask him angrily .
" oh yeah ... Rough and all " he says laughing as I feel tears welling up in my eyes . In the corner of my eye I see a glass vase , I grab it and hit him in the head . The person fell on the floor and before I ran outside , I removed the mask revealing ....

Who is it ?!?? Any ideas ?

I really hope you liked this chapter !! ❤️❤️❤️don't forget to vote !!

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