Chapter 25

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This is going to be so unexpected .

Grayson's POV
I made a mistake , I never wanted to fuck Fiona she was the one trying to get me to do it and I let her take control. Hailey will never forgive me for what I did. I quickly got dressed , I put my boxers on and my jeans and I tried to search for my shirt but I couldn't find it ..oh wait Fiona has it . I left the room and saw Ashlynn sleeping on the floor . I then quickly went downstairs and saw Cameron try to hug Hailey but she ran into the kitchen . Cameron ran after her with me following him.

" Hailey !!!put that down " I heard Cameron say and as soon as I entered the kitchen I saw Hailey holding a knife .

" Hailey !!! What are you doing ?!?" I yelled at her , I walked to her but she pulled the knife closer to her and gave me a warning look .

" if you don't back away Grayson , I swear I'll stab myself" she said aiming the knife at her heart . I stepped back quickly and obeyed what she told me .

" I'm sorry Hailey , Fiona doesn't mean anything to me . Please ! I made a mistake and I regret doing it . Hailey !! "I yelled at her on the verge of tears .

" I'm sorry guys !  I love you Grayson but you did is unforgivable . I thought you loved me " those were the last words her lips spoke , she stabbed herself deeply aiming at her heart .

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I shrieked as i ran over to her as tears were falling down my cheeks .  

Cameron was now on his knees bawling his eyes out .

" SOMEONE CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!!!" I yelled as I grabbed Haileys face .

" stay with me babe ! I LOVE YOU !! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH . DONT LEAVE ME !! " I screamed as I looked down at her plain face , her eyes were closed , her lips were pursed . She looked so lifeless .

" don't leave me " I whispered quietly as I kissed her lips for the last time .

" THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU !!" Cameron yelled as he got up and punched me in the face and started kicking me .

At the hospital ( 4 hours later)
Grayson POV
She was taken to the operation room and she's still in there . Me and Cameron were in the waiting room .

He was sobbing . My head was in my hands and I was crying so hard . The girl I love might be dead now because of me . I am the reason why she did all this .

" Hailey Parker " a doctor said walking in and he didn't have a happy look on his face . Me and Cameron stood up and he looked at us .

" how are you related to her ?" The doctor asked .
" I'm her boyfriend " I said and my voice was dry .
" I'm her close friend " cameron said with a cracked voice and bloodshot eyes .

" I'm sorry to tell you that miss Parker has -" the doctor was about to continue but I cut him off.

" don't say ! DONT SAY IT !!..... she can't be and she wont be !" I yelled at the doctor .

" I'm sorry but she passed away a while ago , you can go and see her if you want " he said and his focus was on the ground .

I dropped to the floor and began crying . Cameron was crying uncontrollably .

" SHE CANT BE GONE " I yelled and people were staring at me with a sorry look.

I finally got the strength to stand up and I walked slowly to her room with Cameron following me yelling about how I was the cause of all of this ... Maybe I was .

" family of Ethan Dolan " I heard someone say and I turned and saw
Aaron walking towards a doctor . Wait what is going on ?

I walked over to Aaron and gave him a confused look.

" unfortunately Mr. Dolan was involved in a car accident and he has passed away because he lost a great amount of blood and he had a really bad concussion " the doctor said and I felt as if I was going to faint ...... This can't be happening .

" Wh-what ?!!" I said as could feel my heart beating , tears were forming in my eyes . I felt anger and sadness rushing into my body . " WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ?!?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CAR ACCIDENT " I screamed as I grabbed the doctor by the collar .
Cameron pulled me off of the doctor .
" the only thing we found is a letter " the doctor continued as I was now drowning in tears . I took the letter and read it .

dear Grayson,
I'm sorry if what i did upsets you but I can't live like this . Everything is going downhill and I can't take life's bullshit . I love you , bro . You're my best friend , my only true freind and you will always be . Please don't harm yourself because of me . You're my half and I'll always be watching you .i love you so much brother and I want you to be happy .bromieomie for life

I crumbled the paper and cried harder and I could see Cameron and Aaron crying in the corner of my eyes .

The love of my life and my twin brother just died and I'm alone now .

I ran out of the hospital and ran to my car that was parked on the other side of the road . As I was running over the street to my car , I saw headlights and I saw a huge truck going at a very high speed beeping but I just stood in the middle of the street as the truck was getting closer and closer and the beeping got louder and louder . I wanted to be with Hailey and Ethan without them my life will be nothing but dull .

" Grayson's NO!" Cameron yelled but it was too late .

BANG !!!

Everything turned black .......

Well this is the end ... Wasn't what you were expecting huh ? Please vote !!

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