Chapter 1

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||Chapter 1- Partners||

Author POV:

The Puffs and Ruffs and the other students were in the classroom waiting for the bus to come to take them for the field trip, they were all going to the Museum that's in New York City for 2 days. While they were waiting for the bus, the teacher let them be on their phone.


"Class get all of your bags and get on the bus, I will assign your partners on the bus" Miss Angel yelled out in the classroom

All the students headed out of the school building and as they got on the bus, the students started going crazy about  what seat to sit on. Until one student yelled out.


Everybody quickly sat on their seat expecting their teacher to get on the bus and smiled proudly.

But instead, Miss Angel got serious and started talking like a military woman

"Okay, LISTEN UP! I'm going to call partners fast and the seats you gonna be sitting at, I don't want to hear any groaning, complaining, crying, yelling, or cursing on this bus, GOT THAT!"

Everybody yelled back "YES MA'AM!"

"Alright, Robin with Mitch, Blossom with Brick, Princess with Bob, Bubbles and Boomer, Sam and Carlos, Tina and Alex, and Buttercup with Butch"

 The teacher kept going on and on yelling out different names for the partners and seats they were gonna sit at.

She later yelled out...

" Alright Start the bus Jimmy!"

As the students began to switch seats with other students to get with their field trip partners. Most of the students on the bus weren't so happy with the person they got assigned with and made faces. They were holding in their anger and annoyance inside because of what the teacher had warned earlier.

Blossom was sitting next to Brick and hasn't even dared to look at him since the moment She was assigned to sit next to him. She had a pretty pink squeeze ball with her for her stress and anxiety. It helped her...sometimes that is.

Bubbles been looking outside the window for the past 3 hours. It was very quiet sitting next to Boomer, they didn't speak to each other because they were very Different just like blossom and brick. Bubbles is nice and caring and loves animals, Boomer is the opposite, rude and didn't care for anybody except of his brothers and hated animals so much.

They had nothing in common, literally nothing.

So they didn't talked or even thought of it.

She looks out the window while He was talking to his friends and his girlfriend.

Bubbles POV:

I was looking outside the window since there was nothing else to do really, I could try to talk to Boomer but, what is there to talk about? It's not like we have anything in common. He doesn't like me and I don't like him.

Even if I did, which I d-don't He wouldn't feel the same and we're childhood enemies, plus he's got a girlfriend, He's happy with her. He loves her. Wait?!

Haha, why does that even matter? Nothing to do with this. Silly me. But umm anyways, it's all fine, I like how things are.


Yeah..It's all fine.

Boomer POV:

Ugh! why did I have to get stuck with Bubbles? She hates my guts and will probably glare at me through the whole ride just to make me feel like crap. I never had a normal conversation with, but from what I heard, it makes me dislike her.

I look at her for four seconds before I turn my head to look back at my friends and girlfriend. But so far She hasn't moved her head ever since I sat next to her which I'm honestly surprised. She has been looking at the window for hours now, damn.

Author POV:

Meanwhile with Buttercup and Butch, Buttercup was listening to music on her iPhone and Butch was on his IPad playing games since he was bored.

Both didn't say a word to each other and were happy about it.

||4hours later||

It was 8:00 pm at night, almost half of the students were sleeping on the bus.

Blossom was getting kinda sleepy her eyes were getting heavy and she kept yawning

'No No No! I must not sleep! I got to stay awake, I'm sitting next to Brick for Pete's sake! He might do something and then I might wake up with a mustache on my face...hmm but maybe if I close my eyes for a minute wouldn't be so bad?'

She closed her eyes for just one second and Then fell asleep. Brick soon notice she was sleeping, because He could hear her breathing peacefully, he looked at her eyes sleeping peacefully and the big bow she had ever since they been 5 and the beautiful pink necklace she had around her neck with her matching earrings. His mind soon snapped and he thought

( •̀ω•́ )💡

'Hehe' he went threw his bag fast looking for his special weapon, he always uses.

'HAA!' He thought, it was his special Sharpie. He took of the cap and got closer to her where the mustache was going to be at. Then he saw her lips curled up to a smile, her plump pink lips looked beautiful, a small blush came to his cheeks, then she whispered.

"He might be..But I don't..He just..*Breaths peacefully again*"

He stays there frozen, the small blush still on his face. He keeps blinking repeatedly thinking what she just said. He sits correctly on his seat and starts looking straight at the seat infront of him still holding onto the uncap sharpie.

'What? What was she trying to say?'

Then there was a big bump on the road moving the bus and Blossom's Head fell on his shoulder, making him tense. He could feel her breathing on his neck, He moved Blossom's head slowly till it wasn't touching him anymore. Soon Brick started getting tired and fell asleep too.

Butch's head was leaning on the window snoring load but he wasn't the only one snoring, Buttercup was also snoring. She was covered with her favorite green blanket that she had since she was five, she was all warm and comfy.

While Bubbles was sleeping with a blue blanket and a baby blue pillow also her stuff Octopus.

In the other hand, Boomer was looking at her sleeping. His girlfriend was sleeping so he didn't have to worry of her saying anything. 'She looks different..very different since we been little kids' he thought He saw her features changed and Her hair got longer. 

"Maybe I do like him..but no..I just..Bo- *Snores softly*"

Boomer eyebrow twitch for some reason and his eyes showed he was confused...'Was she thinking of a guy?' He thought

For some reason, he felt kinda annoyed of another guy being in her dreams. But He shake it off and stop thinking of it, instead he thought of what to do, but Soon he got tried and fell asleep too.

To Be Continued

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