Chapter 3

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||Sharing and Holding hands chapter 3||


Speaking of strawberries. Brick was eating his strawberries and cherry's not noticing Blossom was looking at the delicious treat he was eating. Blossom thought about asking, but even if she would ask he wouldn't give her some. Then she looked in the corner of her eye seeing Mitch eating chips and she knew Mitch would give her some since they were good friends, but before asking she tap on Brick's shoulder "Hey Brick can I switch spots with you?" Brick looked at her confused. " Sure whatever" he replied.

Brick got up and so did Blossom to switch but Blossom trip on her bag and almost fell on the ground but Brick caught her in his arms just in time. She looked up and her face begin to heat up, Both faces were close which made it look like they were lost in each other eye's

"I-I'm sorry" she said stuttering "It's fine" he said letting go of her arms and sitting back down on the seat. Blossom sat down on the seat trying to calm down her heart beat.

"Hey Mitch can I have some chips Please?" she said with a cute face, Mitch turn his attention to her and smile "Yeah sure Blossom, do you want an apple from robin too?" [Author: BTW Mitch and robin are dating so don't think he likes Blossom] "No thanks maybe later" Blossom said while taking a few chips, Brick saw how she ask Mitch he thought she was flirting with him and his face started to burn up from anger, "I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous" he kept repeating in his head


"JESUS, WHEN ARE WE GETTING OFF THIS DAMN BUS!?!" buttercup ask irritated, buttercup gets cranky and angry when she hasn't ate, Butch face turn pale since he had a pie sitting in his lap and he was sitting next to the Baddest girl in school who hasn't ate since yesterday. Butch was a bad boy him self well he is rowdyruff boy but even though he was the player and bad boy of the school he was scared of buttercup, buttercup was no other girl. "Hey you have food GIVE IT TO ME" buttercup said with the most darkest face before tacking him



butch had his hand in buttercup face trying to keep her from eating his piece of pie and Buttercup had her hands in butch's hair pulling it.









'huh' buttercup was shocked he gave up the pie, but she took it anyways she was about to eat it all up in a sec but she split it up for butch "here" she said with her bangs covering her eyes, butch turn his head to her and was trying to look for her eyes to see if she serious but couldn't because of her beautiful hair "why are you giving me some?!?" he ask while taking the half piece of pie of her hands, but acidentialy touched her hand. Buttercups head shot up and stare at him, he took the pie fast and she respond trying to break the silence also looking away to the other direction to not look in his green forest eye's.

"because I'm trying to be the bigger person here"

"YOU, being the bigger person!' he yelled spitting out some piece of pie and holding his laughter



Everyone turn pale and a sweat drop, "We're here students" said the teacher getting up the bus "Follow me students!" everyone got from their seat and grab on their belongings, when all the students were off the bus the teacher spoke up

"Okay class were going to take a tour but first grab your partners hand" the teacher said waiting for all the students to do it. Mitch and robin had no problem with it they were actually happy, princess didn't really want to hold hands with bob so before she did she put on yellow gloves for safety.

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO HOLD HANDS WITH THIS IDIOT!" yelled buttercup, "buttercup just grab his hands, don't make a big fuss over it" buttercup angrily grab his hand annoyed, Blossom was also told to hold hands with her partner.

Bubbles didn't really want to hold hands with boomer she didn't dare to hold hands with him he might yell at her or let got of her hand and she was to scared and nervous so she just stayed still and didn't say anything, but then she felt a warm feeling in her hand she looked at the hand and follow who it went up to, she was surprise boomer was holding her hand she begin to blush. Boomer just looked up and straight "we should hold hands to umm not get lost" he said still staring straight

The whole class were looking at the amazing dinosaur bones and the fancy things that were there [Author: I went to museums but the only thing I remember was the dinosaurs and games because the rest were boring] boomer and bubbles were so distracted that they forgot they were still holding hands and everybody else wasn't, they looked at each other than their hands they both blushed and let go.

5 hours later...

"okay class let's go back on the bus" every student got on and sat in their regular seat, the bus driver put the keys in the bus ready to go but there was a problem.....

to be continue...

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