Chapter 5

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Author POV:

"it's pretty chilly outside" bubbles said shivering, Taka- Chan took out his jacket and put it on bubbles shoulders "huh? oh thank you" she said nicely and putting her arms in the jacket sleeves "so taka-Chan, what you wanted to talk about?" bubbles said while walking with taka-Chan "I'm leaving to Paris today my plain leaves at midnight I'm moving" my face looked shocked and sad tears were running down my face "y-you're leaving" I mange to say while crying "yeah, that's why I came I was looking for you so I could say good-bye" he said holding on bubbles hands, bubbles hugged him and he hugged her back "I can't believe you're leavin, my childhood best friend, you always been there for me you can't leave me!" bubbles yelled while crying her eyes out "I'm sorry I have no choose" he said still hugging her tight "when we get married, promise we'll invite each other and promise this isn't the last time we see each other" bubbles said looking at his light blue eye's "Promise" said Taka-Chan "pinky promise" said bubbles holding out one hand with her pinky and wipping away her tears with her other hand, Taka-chan smiled and nodded his head "Pinky promise" said taka-chan connecting his pinky with her's. The rest of the walk they were talking about keeping contact and how they played in the park when they were younger.

"well this is good-bye" said taka-chan "For now, till we meet again" said bubbles trying to not let her tears run down her face "yeah, for now" said taka-chan smiling at her "can I have a last hug?" bubbles ask "yeah sure" he said bubbles hugged him tight it was like she didn't want to let go, she hugged him and memories brought back to her head and her tears just run down her face, it hurts so bad letting go of a friend that gave you so much memories you can't forget. bubbles let go and so did he "bye bubbles" he said letting go of her hands and walking of to his car "WAIT-you forget your jacket" she yelled at him, "keep it, something to remember me by" he yelled back before going in his car and driving off leaving her thinking "are we going to see each other again?"

bubbles got inside the building and open her apartment door with the keys she got from the teacher. she saw boomer was sleeping in his side of the bed, bubbles closed the door gently and got in the bathroom to change into her short short's and a light blue T-shirt with it. before she got in the bed she was out in the balcony looking at the stars admiring them how beautiful and bright they are, she was admiring them so much that she didn't notice boomer woke up, boomer got up from the bed since he heard a noise and saw bubbles outside the balcony he walked over to her 'she looks so beautiful' he thought "hey why are you not sleeping" he ask curious "oh, my best friend left and I'm just you know...thinking"

"is it okay if I stay with you for a while?" he ask she turn to him to look at his eyes 'why would he want to stay with me' bubbles thought "yeah sure" she replied looking back at the stars up in the sky "you know those stars been up there for million of years shining so bright but they never died" boomer said looking up to the stars "why so?" she ask wondering "well because you see those two stars up there" he said pointing to the two stars, bubbles nodded "They have each other and their power grow stronger and powerful they stay longer together"[Author: I made that up, this was the most difficult part of the story I had to do] Bubbles smiled and said "thank you boomer"

"for what?"

"for keeping me company"

"oh, you welcome"

"well I think it's getting pretty late I should go to bed"


"are you coming boomer?"

"yeah in a sec"

bubbles nodded and got in bed and fell asleep while boomer just stare at the stars then he saw a wishing star up in the sky 'huh? a wishing sar' he thought, 'should I make a wish?' 'hmm what's the point it's not like it's going to come true' he said in his head, but than again it could work 'i'll give it a shot' boomer thought then closed his eyes and begin to think hard for his wish when he finally got it.

earlier today with Buttercup and Butch

Butch open up his eye's and notice he had his arm's around buttercup waist, his face turn into a smirk "you smell yummy", Buttercup face was beginning to blush again and the worst part was she couldn't move to run away. "umm..Butch this isn't the right time" she said feeling very uncomfortable, butch ignore her and thought this was the prefect time. he started to suck on her neck buttercup couldn't hold it in she moan "you like that don't you butterbabe" he said with a smirk still on his face, buttercup didn't know how to replied so she kept silent, not knowing what to do now she just turn around and kiss butch on the lips, butch was shocked at first but melted on the kiss. buttercup rap her arms around butch's neck and butch sat up and put buttercup in his lap, while they were doing their French kiss, buttercup stopped and pulled away "I'm sorry but I can't do this" "why?!" he asked her "because it's wrong" she said butch rised his eyebrow at her "it's wrong that I'm making out with my enemy" she finish her sentence, butch rolled his eyes and sign. Buttercup sat on the bed not daring to look him in the eye it was awkard between them, butch got from the bed and said "whatever" he walked over to the bathroom and locked the door, while butch was washing his face off and teeth. Buttercup changed outside the room into her pj's, when they were done getting ready for bed they lyed down the oppsite the direction and fell asleep not wanting either of them to remember what just happen a while ago.......

to be continue

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