Mama found me.

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The next few weeks were odd. I tried to adapt to my new life but i always seemed to mess up somehow. I wasnt used to so much freedom. Sawyer will be ten months old tomorrow, and hes so big now. I layed down on my bed, i could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Like it was trying to get out. I kissed Sawyer's head as he layed on my chest, sleeping. I longed for the call of Mama. I loved haveing freedom but i missed Mama. I know i shouldnt miss her but i do, shes the closest thing i ever had to a real family. But my body wasnt sore anymore from beatings and i loved that.

Ring Ring! Ring..........Ring Ring!

I grabbed my phone, careful enough not to wake up Sawyer.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Bianca, its me." Replied the voice. Me? Who the hell was me?

"Uhmm?"I mummbled.

"Mama" The voice replied. A smile spread across my face and my spirit was lifted up instantly.

"Mama where are you?" I asked.

"Dont ask, just answer me one question" She replied. My stomache got knotted up instantly.

"I know you told, but i also know you didnt have a choice. Do you miss me?" She asked. I paused. I didnt know what to say. I was speachless completely.

"Enough to come back?" She questioned me.

"Mama, i dont want to be constantly beat anymore. My people here, they love me a lot" I replied.

"I wont beat you ever again. You can help me." She said.

"I want to come back" I said. I could hear a sigh of relief on the other end. I smiled. She continued talking about the plan. That i would go to school like normal and pack my stuff the night before. Then ditch school and when everyone is gone at work, i would get my stuff and meet her at the end of the road. Then we would start our new lives together.

I began packing my things, getting only the things i would need most, Mama would have new cloths and a new look already ready for me when i got to the new house. So i packed Sawyer's things and a few things i needed, or wanted to bring along.

I layed Sawyer down in his crib and continued packing. Knight climbed in through my window. He looked at me with a weird expression on his face. I leaned over Sawyer's crib to grab his stuffed bear when Knight grabbed me and spun me around. He put his hands on my waist and i put mine around his neck.

"Bianca, whats going on?" He asked looking at me with a helpless expression on his face.

"Knight, Mama called me and she wants us back. This is our chance to go back and have our family back" I said. He let me go and backed away from me slowely.

"Bee, were finally free and you want to go back?" He asked. I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. But he pulled away. Tears stung at the back of my eyes, urging to escape. I let the tears flow from my eyes.

"Knight, shes the only family i have!" I said as i sat down on the bed and put my face in my hands as i continued crying. Knight sat by me but i scooched away.

"Bee, we were prisoners. She doesnt love you, or me, Sawyer. She doesnt love any of us. We were her guinea pigs." He said. Mama does love me, she cares about me!

"Knight you dont know anything. Mama loves me. Shes the only family i have Knight. Cant you realize that?" I yelled.

"Bianca, these people. Their all your family now. Kayla gave birth to you" He began.

"Yeah then she ran out on me." I said crying harder. I never told Knight that.

"Babe you never told me" He said.

"Knight, Mama is all i have" I said crying ever harder than before.

"Me and Sawyer are your family Bee." He said as he held me close to him. I just cried on him until i couldnt cry anymore.


The next day we got up and got ready for school. I left on the bus and once i got to school i ran home. I wasnt going to let Knight make my decisions for me. I got Sawyer from day care then called Mama. I met her at the corner with my things. The van pulled up and i smiled as she got out and helped me get my stuff into the van. She hugged me and kissed Sawyer's head.

We drove for a few mintues before stopping again. I was almost asleep, i stayed up basically all night. I didnt bother to open my eyes, just sat on the floor in the back of the van with Sawyer sleeping against my chest. Someone sat next to me, then someone sat on the other side of me. I opened my eyes and instantly smiled. Knight was on my left, and on my right was Ricky.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked barely awake.

"We're your family Bee, you're not going anywhere without us" Ricky said. I leaned on him and fell asleep.

We drove for only god knows how long until we stopped. At a manchin, about four stories tall. I got out, it was a blue house, and had a perfectly moed lawn. This doesnt look like the normal places we stay at.

"This is our new house" Mama said. I smiled at the beautiful house, "I want to be a better mom. Were going to be a normal family from now on. You are my kids, im your mom. Besides Knight and Sawyer. We're also adding a few more kids to the family. But we are going to be a normal family now" For some reason i felt she was being honest. She had changed and she wanted to be a normal family after all. I was over whellmed with joy.

I opened the door to the house.

My New Life Begins......


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