Kidnapped..but not killed. Raised as their own.

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Okay i have the tendency of not finishing a story so imma try to finish this one. Comment pleease i want to get better as a writer


My adrenaline pumping as i run and run. My mind only races in thoughts of escape. Then...

"Tag, Layla your it" i roll my eyes as the bell rings and we all rush inside. It's my birthday in 2 days and just like any other little kid im very excited. My pail green eyes are searching for my father as i push my blonde hair out of my plain white face. Guess im walking. I begin to walk down the abandond street  singing, to myself and skipping in joy.  A van pulls up, its very large and orange. It reminds me of a pumpkin. They pull up and ask if i want a ride home. Being a little girl at the time, out of my own stupidity i get in. I didnt want to go home anyways, i didnt finish my chores this morning and i knew my punishment was comeing. I get pushed into the back and notice the other 4 kids in the van. They were shakeing and scared of me. I didnt understand why. Next thing i knew, i was passed out. I woke up in a basement, it was wet and cold. I managed to huddel over with two little boys. One of the 6 very large men came in and grabbed one of the boys by the arm. He stood him up in front of all of us and "demonstrated" on how we would be treated if we dissobey'd. The little boy never took another step on the earth.

I was only eight at the time and alot has changed since then. The men that picked me up, weren't supposed to bring home any little girls. They had me sent to execution. Then she came out. Mama as i call her now a days. I guess that she plainly just decided that keeping a girl around wouldnt be so bad. Although i never understood when i was little i do now. It's been exactly 6 years since and my birthday is tomorrow. Mama is the leader of this little "family" as she calls us.

To make sure nobody knew i was...well me. I had to change alot. My new name is Bianca Rosalee Beauty. My best friend in this "family:" is Mickey. He's the other little boy i was huddeled with when i first arrived here. I have black hair now but i got to keep my eyes. Mama always says their my shineing glory. Whatever that means. We live down a long ass dirt road, and at the end of this road is an old abandond hotel. Obviously there is alot of rooms and each child is assigned a room after they are upgraded from the basement. Mama loves haveing me around, it gives her a girl to bond with. Most trusted kids get to go to school. Today will be my first day :) excitement pumping through my veins.

"Bianca" she yelled. uh oh. my mind clicked. I got up instantly and called back.

"Yes, mama."

"Get up, school today." she yelled. I quickely got in the shower. Mickey walked in and locked the door. I began to shake, thinking it was mama and that i had been bad again. Mickey jumped in the shower with me and let out a sigh. I smacked him.

"Dont do that to me." i said.

"Sorry baby" he said kissing me and pulling me close.

"Mickey no. I have school today. Wait until later..please" i said smileing.

"You know i cant resist you." he said smieling back.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. Tight jeans, my fuzzy boots, and a black shirt. I was doing my hair when Mickey walked up behind me.

"You need to change. i can see you marks" he said. I sighed. I have marks all over from when i was little and some form recent "accidents". I changed into a long sleeve shirt, that the band ICP on it. I rushed down to the main lobby, where Mama was waiting for us. Only about 14 of us showed, i didnt care.

We arrived at different spots to get picked up, so nobody suspected why so many kids lived together. I got on the bus, i looked around for a place to sit. Wow packed. I seen a guy move over for me to sit down. I smiled and sat by him.

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