my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!! *chapter 29*

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****sorry for the wait but hey im back and im on a roll lol so heres the next part hope u like it and please vote and comment*******

Kandance POV:

"well, the father, Caden, and I had a fling. He broke it off the day you two got married. He seduced me into falsifying your daughter as his. He said it wouldn't be fair for his brother to have it all. I saw the news where he kidnapped Tiffany. Im sorry about that, but if you do have the real father with you I can redo the test on both kids since I still have Tiffany's blood on file. And we can determine the truth and get rid of him for good."


"im sorry, he told me he didn't love you. That ya'll were only together for the kids."

"no, we got married. I married that fucker."

"I know that now, but there more. We...have a son together. He's a 2 and a half. I know how it feels to lose your child, I don't know what I would do if I lost Michael. I really don't think Caden would do that."

"what the fuck my kid is missing and your sitting here telling me this bullshit! Ok so what ya'll have a kid, I really don't give a fuck! I want my daughter back DAMN IT!"

"I know, but I thought you should know the truth. Theres more tho...theres another girl. Her name was Jacklin Monroe. he brought her in the first time I met him, right before you brought the twins in. I could get in a lot of trouble telling you this, but they had a daughter. He told me he didn't believe it was his and she was screaming at him saying this is all because that bitch your with. Sonmething about she'll pay, she killed my first child with you, now shes making you denie this one. Do you know her?"

"yeah, she put me into a coma when I first got pregnant. That was over Cameron not Caden though. I don't understand what she ment by I killed the first one?"

"I don't know, but really do you think he could do that?"

"the note was from him."

"maybe someone framed him, hes in jail right?"

"I don't know, wait how did you know?"

"he called me yesterday. I hung up on him."

"oh my god, if hes in jail then he couldn't do it. I got to go."

I hung up and called April.

"hey how are you?"

"Tiffanys missing, is Caden still in jail?"

"yeah, what do you mean shes missing?"

"someone kidnapped her and framed Caden, can you get me in to see him?"

"yeah, meet me at the jail in 10."

"okay, thanks."

I hung up and looked at Cam who was lost.

"baby, ill explain everything as soon as I get back, watch the kids I have to go met April."

"your going to work with your daughter missing?"

"no, im going to Caden, hes in jail."

"then who has her?"

"I think Jackie."


"yeah the crazy bitch that tried to kill me."

"fuck, what the hell am I missing?"

"tiffany might be your, well according to Bridget she is yours. Caden fucked Jackie, she had a little girl, but she lost one saying it was my fault. He also has a kid with the dna doctor. So there you go, I got to go. I love you."

"I love you too, be safe."

"I will."

He gave me a kiss and I left. I pulled up and ran up to April who was waiting.

"you look like shit."

"wouldn't you with your kid missing?"

"yeah, so fill me in."

I told her everything as we walked in. Caden walked up to the table that we were sitting at. I could tell he didn't want to see me.

"what the fuck is she doing here?"

"tiffanys missing."


"shes gone, someone took her. they stapled a note to C.J.s chest making it sound like you. I also got a call from Bridget."

"shit, fuck. Is he okay?"

"Tracis at the hospital with him. You lied to me."

"you lied to me."

"you knew I loved Cam."

"you married me."

"because I needed comfort. You fucked Jackie after she tried to kill me."

"so you know about Gina? Im guessing Michael too?"

"yeah, so whats this shit about I killed her first child?"

"right after you got into a coma Traci beat the shit out of her, she was a few weeks pregnant, suppose to be by me. The baby died. She got pregnant again a week after that."

"their yours?"

"that's what the paternity test says."



"why did you lie?"

"I loved you, I mean hell you were my drug since the first time we fucked. I didn't want to lose you."

"I never loved you."

"I know, that's why I treated you that way, I felt bad about cheating but then I got pissed that you showed no love to me."

"where is my daughter?"

"jackies crazy ass probly took her."

"where is she?"

"pull the cell call log, her numbers there. If it means anything im sorry."

"whatever, I I don't find my daughter alive im going to come back and blow your fucking brain all over

the wall, you got that?"

"whatever, hope your happy."

"happier than ill ever be as soon as I get Tiffany."

I walked out and thanked April and left.

********didnt see that one, so what you think should happen to Jackie if she has Tiffany, who do u think took her??***********

my x's brother did what?? KILL ME NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now