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You destroyed my wall , with your simple way
And i fallin in love with you by your simple things
Day by day , all i do is keep dreaming
Hoping you do the same
But i know thats one of my dream

Im tired of dreaming
I hate of being the one who always dreaming
There is nothing that i can do anymore

If u asking me iam give up or no, yes iam give up
I dont hate you
Im just disappointed with my self
Atleast you have show me and make me realize not to fallin in love so hard
You give me a good fantasy that i never imagine before

Just remember ill keeping you in my dua,
Maybe someday he will make us closer with his way ,
Or maybe he's not because he has other good plan for us

If you looking for me,
You know exactly where am i
I always in your heart.

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