dory🐟: where do u live frank
destiny🐳: california
dory🐟: omg rly aw
destiny🐳: no lmao I live in nj
dory🐟: o shit metoo
destiny🐳: have u seen finding dory yet
dory🐟: yea I saw it with my boyfriend
destiny🐳: ur wot
dory🐟: *brother o shit
destiny🐳: r u lyin tho
dory🐟: no lmao I saw it with Michael James Way and his bf Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III
destiny🐳: is ur brothers bf a fucking duke what the fuck
dory🐟: idk but I think he's like from chicago
destiny🐳: oh ew isn't there like a green river or some shit there
dory🐟: idk my chemistry teacher was from there
destiny🐳: speaking of chemistry
destiny🐳: you and I have got it
dory🐟: no we don't school is out
destiny🐳: ffs Gerard