Chapter 26

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A Few Months later..

Anika was resting her head, folding her arms on the table and her face was tilted to her right.She was ill for past few weeks, not eating properly on time and with not enough of sleep.In that solid 1 month Harish didn't enter into her life as what anirudh said.She was feeling guilty and for hurting him for no reason. Although anirudh had told her to come home without hesitating and feeling guilty.But her dignity didn't let her go.

She was feeling disgusted for misunderstanding anirudh. And at the same time she was worried about Anirudh and missed him badly. Suddenly, she heard someone coming inside her room.Vithiya entered into her office room without a knock.She was coming with a plate full of food.

"Anika,For how many days you going to be like this my dear?" Vithiya asked, politely.

Anika got up and sat straight.She just delivered a fake smile to her.And Vithiya took a seat beside her with a grin on her face.

"Today is Anirudh Birthday." Anika said, bluntly.

"First throw your ego away and go back to his place.And of course today you're suppose to be with him and make him happy.Rather being upset staying over here." Vithiya said, earnestly.

Tears started to roll down under anika's cheeks, without her knowledge. She missed anirudh at this very kind moment awfully. She wanted to stay in his arms at this current moment. But just because of her ego she isn't stable and not able to face Anirudh. Vithiya's eyes glanced at anika's eyes which were tearing.She turned anika's face around and made her to look at her.

"Hey, What makes you to cry now? Didn't anirudh already call you to come to his house? You first understand that he isn't mad at you. He just gave you time to think and more over he himself came to our office and begged you to come back him.Did you just wait for that to happen? Anika,don't be a stone hearted, throw your ego away and live happy with him."Vithiya said, with a serious tone.

Anika clutched her arms around Vithiya's neck, hugging her tight.She cried continously as she realized her mistake. She wanted to leave her sorrows by crying.

"I really miss Anirudh.I have realized my mistake and have realized that I fall in love with him now.But my ego is just taking a time to reveal it out Vit.Right now at this moment I feel like throwing everything away and just go stay with him as his wife completely.I really want him Vit." Anika admitted.

"Go now and do it." Vithiya whispered.

Anika pulled her hug away and looked at Vithiya, confused.Vithiya smiled at her with lot of happiness on her face.But anika didn't get what was her statement about.

"What do you mean?" Anika asked.

"Throw all your emotions away and go meet Anirudh now at his studio.And see today is his birthday but he gave presented you a gift.Open and see it atleast." Vithiya said, with a smile.

"No, I'm not opening it." Anika said, reculantly.

"Why not? Anika, again you started aah." Vithiya said, sighing.

"I'll open it only when he opens it.I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have opened my gift." Anika said, confidently.

"How sure are you about this? What if he had opened your gift and sent this as a thank you gift." Vithiya asked, lifting up her eyebrows.

"Im cent precent sure about this.Hrmm I have no idea about that but I'm sure he haven't opened my gift yet." Anika replied.

"Okay whatever, Now you have this food for me before you leave this office." Vithiya said, casually.

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