(ch.2) The Fair

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Larry P.O.V

I don't know how or when I'm gonna tell lau. That's why I didn't talk the whole ride, but I'm here now so that's doesn't matter. I'm here with my lau and mine only.

Lau-what ride do you want to go on first?

Larry-idk yet. Let's walk around and look... If that's okay with you?

Lau-of course it is Larry...

Laurent said that with a big smile on his face like "yes your majesty" so I gave him a look like "really?"then We walked around for a while. Lau found a ride he wated to go on, so I went on too. Many people thought we were brothers cause I mean we look alike but, you could tell that they also thought that him and I were dating. Like yes I'm dating someone that looks just like me... I gave lau a look then looked at the people and he got just what I was trying to say. Then lau looked at me and grab my hand and i rested my head on his shoulder. Then the people looked away and we laughed as he let go of my hand and I took my head off his shoulder. I mean dont get me wrong I love my brother but, it's still wierd having your brother holding your hand.

After a while of walking around and riding rides it got dark and lau drive us home. Lau looks at me and smiles.

Larry-what are you looking at?

Lau-you... I had fun tonight. I wished the night didn't have to end.

Lau is saying this with out loosing eye contact with me

Larry-you need to keep your eyes on the rode

Lau- why? I can't help looking into your eyes reminds me of tonight and how much fun we had. With you resting your head on my shoulder and me holding your hand just was really nice...Larry I know what your thinking about. I know your not telling me something. I know your doing things your not suppose to. I know that you don't want me to know. I also know that you don't want me to be-

Larry-lau watch ou-!

Then I jump almost of my seat.

Lau-hey you okay?

I take deep breaths

Larry-ye- yeah. Just a bad dream.

Lau- really? About what?

Larry-well first off me and you were on our way home like we are now and you were driving. Yo-you wouldn't stop looking at me and we-we crash... Then I woke up

Lau-oh... Well we are not going to crash. I won't look at you. Okay?

Larry-no you can look over just you have to look back at the rode... Okay?

Lau-yes Larry.

Laurent's P.O.V

Is Larry okay?like was i saying any thing? Is Larry hiding something from me? God I hope not. If he is ill find out some time. He'll tell me... After if anything.

Lau-if your doing something or if something is on your mind you'll tell me right?

Larry-umm... Yeah su-sure

He didn't even look me in the eyes he definitely hiding from me and I'm determined to find out. I'll start going in his room when he is and when he is not in there. I'll always be around him. God I'm going to find out whether he likes it or not. I promised ma mère that I would take care of him. She asked me to so I'm going to, for ma mère...

Larry's P.O.V

Do you think lau knows? If lau knows I'm gonna get killed, by him. He'll kill me. If he knows he probably would of killed me already...this ride felt longer than when we were driving there but, we got home with out crashing. I went straight to my room because I'm super tired and I didn't think twice about lau. So I got up and walked to his room. I saw lau was laying there with his arm around his eyes. So I laid down next to him and he moved his arm quickly then realized it was me. I put my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulders.

Larry- thank you lau. Thank you very much. I've been wanting to go.

Lau-I know you've been wanting to go. That's why I said "yes" when you asked.

Larry-why can't you say welcome like a normal human?

Lau-fine... Your welcome.

I went to go get up but, lau pulled me back and said I couldn't leave...

Larry-why can't I leave?

Lau- cause I said so... Mon Frère

Hearing lau say something in French make me feel happy but, sad at the same time. It makes me miss home but, then it nice to here something from home like the old times when we were young. especially since we went to the fair today. I decided to fall asleep in lau's arms

Laurent's P.O.V

Im glad Larry decided to stay in my arms. I didn't want him to go back to his room till I find out what he's doing or what he's trying to hide from me. He never hides anything from. Why all of a sudden you want to. Just tell me. that was on my mind all night.

(i know this chapter isnt that long im sorry)

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