chapter 1, feelings changed

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Laurent's P.O.V.


Lau-Yeah bro, she crazy, shes been to every one of our shows i sware. We would be in LA one day and she'd be there, two days later, we would be in Japan and she still be there.

Me and him both laugh, we laughed for a while and out of no where larry stopped laughing and walked away to his room, down the hallway a little. I wonder why.

I have noticed that larry has been acting different all of a sudden. We were in New York for a show in harlem (i was there for that one...) and after he just has been ignoring me of some sort.

Larry's P.O.V

I really hope lau doesnt notice that i walked out like that. He would get mad at me. If I told him...what I've done... No i cant let him get that upset.
Lau-Hey Larry... You okay bro?

Larry-yeah, why?

Lau-you seem upset when you walked out so i was just wondering.

Larry-oh well im about to get in the shower, do you mind getting out?

Lau-wow... But sure. *He said with a smile*

He got up and walked away. I had to get in the shower now that i said it or Lau would definitely think something is up.

Laurent P.O.V.

Larry is acting really weird he wouldnt push me away like that. I would of said something but i didnt want to start an unnecessary fight. While larry was in the shower i got dressed. I picked out my black tank top, some jeans, my red and black les twins plaid shirt and put it around my waist, and my black jordans to ware. I finished getting dressed as soon as larry got out and got dressed. Today is a day that we planed to go and do something together.

Larry-what we doing today?

Lau-um. Im hungery, do you want to get some food?

Larry- you know the answer to that question.

Lau- true. So what do you want?

Larry- what time is it?

Lau-um... Its almost 12. So we can have lunch.

Larry- yeah. I kind of want a sandwich. What bout you?

Lau- yeah. That sounds good

Larry-great. Where we going?

Lau-we could stay here and make some if you want?

Larry-sounds good.

We made our lunch and sat on the couch to talk about what we are going to do.

Lau-so what do want to do?

Larry takes a bit of his sandwich and tries to speak.

Lau-can you please talk like a normal human being.

Larry finishes eating.

Larry- lets go to the fair thats in town...please.

Larry is almost out of his seat jumping up and down. I knew he really loved to go. Our mother took us when we were little and larry always wanted to go on the rides.

Lau-yes larry. For you, i will go

Larry-really!? we are going?

Lau-yes larry. When were done eating we'll go. Okay...

Im hesitant on speaking for a moment. But larry already said it befor i could.

Larry-oh my god... I love you, lau!

Lau-I love you to, Larry. Now hurry up and eat so we can go.


He took a bite of his sandwitch finished eating and looked at me with a big smile on his face. I finished eating and waited for larry so i could take his plate.i put my plate on the table. Larry takes one last bite and put his on the table as well. I was leaning on the arm of the couch looking down. I had no reason, i didnt even realize i was looking down. All of a sudden larry jumps on me and put his arms around my shoulders forcing me to turn and give him a hug back.

Larry-lau. are you okay. Dont even say your fine cause i know your not.

Lau-larry. im perfectly fine... As long as i have my brother by my side through my whole life... You cant get mad either.

I move my hands from his back to his shoulders and push him off me. Looking larry in the eyes.


Larry turns his head away from me but, i still have his shoulders.

Lau-larry! Look at me.

Larry looks at me but, puts his hands over his face trying to wipe his eyes without me knowing. Larry looks at me finally and his eyes where all puffy and red also his his cheeks were red. Larry has been crying.

Lau-larry? Whats wrong? you can tell me. Please tell me, brother I need to know why you have been crying.

Larry-lau... Just what if i cant be there your whole life? What if something happens to me? Where would you be?

Lau-Nothing will happen to you. You got it... And if somthing were to happen to you i would be in an insane asylum. Cause i would go insane if you aren't here. So dont even say that something is going to happen to you. If your gone... Ill be gone to larry. Promise your going to be here my whole life.

Larry-i promise.

Lau-good...i promise to

Larry let a few more tears fall down his face. I took my hands off his shoulders and put them back on his back. Larry hugged me as well still crying.

Lau-larry i love you. Your the only one i have...

Larry-*in a shaky voice* i love you too lau.

We sit there for a while hugging. i let him go and give him a smile. I stand up and grab his plate and put it in the sink. I grab my jacket then grab larrys and give it to him. Larry's head was down so i tap his shoulder.

Lau-you dont want to go?

Larry looked up at me and grab his coat out of my hand and ran out the door. I get in on the drivers side and larry gets in on the passengers side. I start to drive to the fair. The whole way there was quiet. I mean the drive wasnt to long but, it felt like for ever. As soon as we pulled up. Larrys eyes got big in excitement which made me smile.

Lau-lets go larry.

Larry's Mistake...(les Twins Story) //completed\\Where stories live. Discover now