Good Morning

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When I close the door behind me, I call out for Dodie.

''Yo Dods, you awake?''

After a moment, I hear her shouting back.

''Err... Yeah, I'm in the living room!''

Shoot. Crap, goddarn bloody baloneys. I was hoping she'd still be fast asleep, so I would have more time to think about a plan, but apparently not. What am I gonna say to her? She's going to want to talk about this, isn't she? She blatantly asked me to make out with her, then basically fell asleep on top of me. 

Not to mention, she saw me crying in a bathroom on my own, and then I proceeded to sing her to sleep with a song that she wrote herself about a girl she's not sure she's supposed to love. Freaking hell, what on earth was I thinking?

As I consider all this, I realise I'm still standing in the hallway, and she'll get suspicious if I don't come out soon. As I'm preparing for what must be the most uncomfortable coversation I'll ever have in my life, I have a moment of epiphany.

Dodie really was, really, really drunk last night. It might not have seemed like it to anyone who didn't know her that well, but I've been living with her for two years, I've seen her at her worst. 

Besides, she wore that dark lipstick last night, and while cleaning up this morning I recovered no less than 6 different glasses which had that colour stain on them. Not very eco-friendly of her, by the way.

So, realistically, she must have been pretty hammered yesterday. And if she really was, then what are the chances she even remembers what happened between the two of them last night?

I settle on my definite strategy; unless she brings it up, I'll act as if last night never happened.

I put on my most convincing casual smile and walk into the living room.


Fuck, fuck, fuck, what the hell am I gonna do.

In an attempt to give myself a few more moments to compose myself, I turn around and pick up some more rubbish from the floor. I hear the door to the living room opening and closing, and I hear Evan putting his keys down on the side table.

''Good morning.''

Good morning? The casual tone in his voice throws me off completely. Maybe he doesn't remember, a little voice in the back of my mind tells me. I think back to last night, Evan sitting in the batroom, crying silently. The bottle of beer on the edge of the bathtub. Maybe he was drunk too, the voice continues. I think about it. Usually Evan doesn't really get drunk, but when he does, he's pretty damn good at hiding it, especially from me. And I really wasn't in a state of accurate judgement anyway.

I decide to go with it. If he doesn't remember, I'm sure as hell not gonna remind him.

''Hey'', I reply, my back still towards him while I'm picking up some party hats someone apparently brought with them. ''How was your walk?''

Or maybe, the voice tells me, more venomously this time, maybe it just wasn't as big of a deal as you make it out to be, Dodie.

''Yeah, good, good. Hey, is it okay if I do a Twitch stream in the living room tonight?''

''Yeah, sure.'' I turn around, but continue to pick things up from the floor. ''I was actually thinking about getting a drink with some old school friends of mine, so you'll have the place to yourself anyway.'' A complete lie, I realise as soon as it's left my mouth. I don't have any plans, I just need to get out of here for a bit.

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