Chapter 1

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Sherlock and John are running down the dark and dreary alley way, drips of water are splashing all around them as the rain pours down. Sherlock and John are running away from a gang with guns, they are going to run to safety before calling the police. Why not fight back? They are using their guns: The gang are using Sherlock and John Watsons guns.

They run, the padding of their feet on the pavement like a drum, just like their heart rate. They keep running until they reach a dead end, Sherlock pushes John up onto a roof.

"Stay there John, I'll be right over. Don't move"

John stands, waiting for Sherlock. Suddenly, a gunman jumps from out of the shadows of the roof, John is startled and walks backwards, almost falling off the roof.


The man pulls out Sherlock's gun and aims it straight at his chest


The gun fires and it hits John in the abdomen. He yells before falling backwards, clutching his bleeding stumoch. Sherlock races towards him, with the adrenaline he leaps onto the roof, fury in his eyes, ready to kill. He attacks the gunman, kicking him in the face, grabbing the gun and  shooting him in the chest multiple times and the rest of the gang flee.

"what.. Are- are you Okay?"
"My Stumoch... hurts a little.."
"No time for jokes, we need to get you to a hospital"
"it'll be too late.."
"No.. It can't be.. I won't let it be too late.."
"I can't.. I won't let you-"

Sherlock, who was pacing about and running his hands through his curly brown hair whips round to see John.

"what John... Please what?"

John mutters something Sherlock can't hear, before Johns chest stills. Sherlock panics, he calls an ambulance and demands them to hurry. He holds John's hand while muttering about calling the ambulance sooner and not treating it as a movie.

The ambulance arrives and John is whisked away with Sherlock holding his hand as they try CPR on him. Sherlock knows the pain of being shot. John does not deserve it.

"John does not deserve to die"

He thinks, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He immediately wipes it away.

"Especially when it's all my fault"

Please John, Wake UpWhere stories live. Discover now