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Few things:

1. They didn't do the Chapstick Challenge. I'm a little disappointed but hopefully they'll do it next week!

2. My dance try-out results come out today. Pray for me!!!

3. What are y'all's Zodiac signs. I'm a Taurus. Just wondering what y'all are bc I'm always curious.

And 4. I love this chapter and it's pretty long but it has so many ups and downs and it's an emotional roller coaster. So good luck. (Oh and make sure to tell me there's any misspelled words, this chapter is longer so I don't know if I corrected everything. Thx bb's)

Love ALL of y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


The next day Avi came over to do a quick check up on Mitch's baby.

He was currently giving the baby an ultrasound. He nodded his head. "Everything looks good. Do you two have any questions"? Avi asked while he put the machine away.

Mitch opened his mouth but quickly closed it, deciding his question wasn't really that important. Avi noticed and furrowed his eyebrows. "You can ask anything Mitchie". He said, hoping it encouraged the little omega.

Mitch nodded. "Why is my stomach still so small. I know that's a stupid question, I was just curious". Mitch said looking down and fumbling with his hands

"That's not a stupid question. Since your a male, your stomach is going to stay pretty small. It's only gonna get as big as a women's stomach would get at 3 months but it won't get that big until almost the end of your pregnancy". Avi explained

Mitch nodded his head, understanding a little but more. "Thank you".

"Of course Munchie..... Oh and one more thing, it's about your heat. Since you haven't had it in so long, because you've been pregnant, your heat is going to happen a week after you deliver the baby and I know how awful that sounds and I know you'll be tired but that's just how it works out". Avi said

Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch stomach and pouted. "You mean my baby isn't going to get a break".

"I'm afraid not". Avi replied

Mitch nodded, Scott looked down at him with a confused expression. Mitch always gave a verbal response. "Is something wrong honey".

"Um, I need to talk to you, please"? He said in a hushed tone. Scott became a little worried but brushed it off.

Avi had already packed his things, he stood from the couch and gave Scott and Mitch a quick hug, before leaving to give them some space to talk.

Mitch got up and started walking towards the bedroom, Scott quickly got up and followed.

Scott shut the door and locked it. He turned to Mitch, Mitch had tears streaming down his face. "Oh honey". Scott said walking forward, he wiped the tears off Mitch's face.

Mitch sniffled. "I'm gonna suggest something you may not like".

Scott nodded. "Okay". He said slowly.

"I think we should give the baby to my parents". Mitch said nervously.

"What". Scott yelled, causing Mitch to flinch.

"I-I just don't think we're ready for a baby right now". Mitch was looking down, tears brimming his eyes. He thought he was ready for a baby but last night he stayed up thinking about how all of those people are going to join the pack and Scott's going to be giving them so much attention that he won't have time for the baby.

"And who are you to decide weather I'm ready for a baby or not". Scott snapped

"We don't have to give the baby to them for forever, just till you get use to having so many people around the house. If we have this baby in five months like I'm suppose to, you'll be so busy with the pack that you won't give any attention to the baby and I thi-".

"I will pay attention to that baby, my baby. I can do this Mitch. Please, I don't want to give this baby up. I've never even met your parents". Scott argued.

Mitch sighed, he knew he shouldn't have brought this up. It was a bad idea, he should just trust Scott but in his mind he's scared that Scott won't pay attention to the baby or him anymore and that he'll have to take care of the baby by himself but he didn't want to tell Scott this, he didn't want to tell Scott that he doubted him. He was suppose to put all his trust in Scott and he knows Scott will be hurt if he finds out that Mitch doesn't trust him. Or maybe it isn't that Mitch doesn't trust Scott, maybe it's because Mitch doesn't trust all the new people coming into their lives. It's all so new and it's all happening too fast for him.

"I'm sorry Scott, I just.... I don't know". Mitch said giving up but he did 'know'. He knew what he wanted to say, it's right on the tip of his tongue but now that he's in the situation, he can't seem to force the words out of his mouth.

Scott cupped Mitch cheeks with both of his hands, he searched Mitch's eyes for anymore of an answer than he's getting from Mitch. He knows Mitch has more to say. He's known him for only a year, yet he knows every little thing about him. So it's crazy for him that he doesn't understand why Mitch is saying these things or what he wants.

"Baby, we can do this. I don't know if your doubting me or if your doubting yourself but I know we can do this". Scott said in above a whisper

He let his hands fall back to his sides, he knows Mitch is good at hiding his feelings but Mitch never hid his feelings from Scott, so it's bothering Scott to no end that something must be so wrong with Mitch that he has to hide his feelings from him.

"Honey..... Whats really going on"? Scott asked in a low whisper

Mitch shrugged and looked down. He honestly didn't know why he brought up this conversation in the first place. At first it was because he was scared Scott wouldn't have time for him and the baby once the new pack starts but it's not like Scott to do something like that, now....... Mitch doesn't even know why he asked in the first place.

"You can tell me baby, your not going to hurt me feelings". Scott said, breaking Mitch out of his thoughts

Mitch took a deep breath, he didn't want to hurt Scott's feelings. He didn't want Scott to take what he's about to say the wrong way but the truth is, Mitch doesn't really want to send his precious baby away to his, asshole, parents. It was just the first thing that came to his mind and he now regrets saying anything but...... He doesn't want to hide his feelings from Scott.

"I didn't mean what I said.... I.... I just thought that when the new pack started that.... You'd be too busy for me and the baby and I didn't want to be, basically, a single parent to our child..... And I know it was a stupid thought, I'm just so scared. There's gonna be so many people around and I don't even know them, let alone their own names. And I..... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought this up. I don't want our baby to go to my, crazy, parents. I just... Think I'm doubting myself, not you. I don't want you to think that I think you can't do it, because if one person can handle a pack and a child it's you but I don't know how I'm gonna handle it. Between adjusting to having so many people around to adjusting to being a parent and then having to go through heat right after..... I think that's what freaked me out, my heat, having to go through it with a baby and then having so many new people around, it's all...... Scary". Mitch finished rambling

Scott nodded and walked forward, hugging Mitch. He knew how hard it was for him, he was freaking out because he thought he couldn't do it and, in all honesty, Scott had thoughts like that too and it scared him like crazy but to him, having this baby is gonna be the best thing in the world.

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