Telling Them pt.2 and Laser Tag and Who is One Direction

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(Alex's pov)
They all looked at me and Kay nodded for me to continue. "Well it all started when I was 5, I came home day and my dad was drunk" I said as my mind took me back to the memory
"Hi daddy" my 5 year old self said "Shut up" Dad slurred "Daddy what's wrong" I asked concerned "I said shut up" he roared  and smacked me. I wimmpered in pain which caused him to kick me in the ribs. "Now go to your room" he said and threw me upstairs. I crawled to my room I shared with Kay who was sick and curled up in a ball and started crying.
Soon I was thrown back into reality and met with everyone crying along with myself. "But the thing is it didn't stop there it continued for another year before he got arrested for child abuse. While I was in the orphanage I was bullied until they got adopted and left. When I was 9 I fell into depression and when I was 12 I started starving myself and 13 when I started self harming" I said with tears running down my face. Everyone except Kay had a shocked face and was also crying. "I'm so sorry" Liam said pulling me into a hug which led to a group hug. "Please tell one of us if you fell like that" Zayn said kissing the top of my head. I agreed and they all let go. "Well what do you guys want to do today" Harry asked and me and Kay screamed laser tagging. "Alright then go get dressed" He said and we ran upstairs to get ready. I threw on shorts and my Sleeping With Sirens tank top and my all black converse. I threw my hair in a high ponytail and headed downstairs. Once we were all downstairs we headed out to the car. We all got to the car and I yelled shotgun which made Zayn pout. "Sorry dad it's the game" I said and patted his shoulder and hoped in. "How is it fair that I have to sit in the back I'm the parent" he grumbled while getting in the back. Liam drove us to the arcade and laser tag place and me and Kay jumped out and ran inside. The rest of them came in and Zayn got us tickets to play laser tag. "We play in five minutes let's go" he said and led us to the arena. It was me, Kay, niall and Zayn on one team and Harry, Louis, Liam, and a really cute boy on the other. We all got our guns and waited for the buzzer before we ran in.
(5 minutes later)
The ending buzzer rang and we all looked at our guns to get our names and then put them up. We went to the counter to get our score cards and I came in 1st with 30,000 shots. I looked to see how many times I shot people and it said I shot Cobra the most. I asked who Cobra was and it was that cute guy. "It's looks like I shot you the most" I said "Yeah it looks like I shot you the most too" he said showing me his score card. I laughed and introduced myself "I'm Wyatt" he said and shook my hand. "Oh sweet sister of mine where are you we are about to leave" Kay called as she turned the corner. "Who's this Alex" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows. "Well dear sister of mine this is Wyatt he was on the other team" I said. "Oh well have fun but not that much fun I don't want any neices or nephews for awhile" she said walking away. "I'm sorry for her" I apologized "Nah it's fine" he said laughing. "Hey do you have a phone" he asked and I pulled it out. We swapped numbers, and hugged before I was dragged away by Louis. "I'LL TEXT YOU LATER" Wyatt yelled "OKAY" I yelled back as I got tossed over Louis's shoulder. "I can walk you know" I grumbled "Yeah straight up the stairs back to that guy, ain't happenin" he said and put me in the car. "Now who was he and what did he want" Zayn asked "He was Wyatt and he wanted to be friends now can we go" I asked and Liam said sure. On the way home I got a text

Hey would you like to hang out this Saturday I'll pick you up

To Wyatt
Sure what time

From Wyatt
How is 1

To Wyatt
Perfect see you then 😊

From Wyatt
Can't wait

"Hey we are home" Kay said pushing me out. "Sorry" I said and hoped out. I ploped down on the couch and turned on the television. I saw myself and then the rest of the family on a news channel. "And the famous boy band One Direction was spotted today coming out of That Fun Place today with two teenage girls" the lady said and then pictures of me on Louis's shoulder and then another one of Kay walking out with everyone else. "Who do you think these mystery girls are and will we be seeing more of them" she said and then turned it over to some random guy but I turned it off. I walked into the kitchen and everyone was in there. "Um who is One Direction " I asked "and the boys eyes went wide

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