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I sat at my kitchen island , looking through a magazine. Things have been going good so far. And all I can think of is how much I miss my niece. It was entirely too quiet,now that she is not here. My depressing thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I look at the caller ID. Elijah taught me to look before I answer. I smile at the thought of Elijah.
I answer,after clearing my throat.
"I'm sorry we had to leave the funeral early, Christina was really emotional,and I really needed to get her home."
Kristen says through the phone.
"Its fine, thanks for coming. I really appreciate your support. "
"No problem, I wouldn't have missed it for anything. "
I smile at her remark.
"Where is Christina? "
"She is still asleep right now."
"Whenever she wakes up, tell her I said hi. "
I say flipping through the magazine .
"Will do! Ill talk to you later Vickie. I have a modeling job today. "
"Are you serious? That's great, congratulations. "
"Thanks! I hope I will be on the cover of IMAQT magazines. "
"You'll make it,trust me."
"Thanks again , I have to go. Ill talk to you later."
She says, before hanging up the phone.
My phone vibrated on the island top.

Elijah😏💖: I hate you left because now the house doesn't feel the same.

I smile at the text,before replying back.

Me: poor baby,maybe we'll do it again sometime. 😏😛

I knew Elijah hated me leaving, the look on his face when he drove me home ,told it all. I can't lie, I had began getting accustomed to staying there. But we all know that couldn't last forever,for one or two reasons. One,I have my own house, and two, I have my own life.

Elijah😏💖: I'll hold you to that. 😂😉. But I would like to ask you out tonight. To a club called 'dynasty' . Its the biggest club and littest in town.

I remember the last time I went to a club, someone popped out singing,and I ended up humiliated to death. These little memories, now give me life.

Me: you're not going to pop out singing again are you? 😂💀

I close me magazine ,getting up from the island. I knew that I would be going out with Elijah regardless,it's good to be one step ahead. Because,no matter what he has a way of winning me over. When I walk into the bedroom ,I instantly go to the closet.
"Red? No. Pink? Hell no. White? Maybe. Black? No. So White it is. "
I debate to myself,throwing the white dress on the bed. I grab my phone ,putting in the passcode.

Elijah😏💖: 😂 I promise I'm not gone pop out singing man damn!!! . I'll pick you up at 7 💀😏

Me: who said I was going? 😏😇

I need a manicure bad,or rather a fill in. These nails are bound to pop off any minute. I just hope Elijah doesn't make that minute turn into a second.

I walk out the house, locking the door. Elijah waited in the car. Making my way to the car,I nearly tripped on a rock.
"Don't hurt yourself!" Elijah says laughing ,getting out the car then walking over to the passenger side to open the door.
"Very funny."
I say slipping into the white camaro.
"You look stunning tonight. " He says,after getting into the car and starting it up.
"Elijah? If you don't drive this car. "
He smirks, driving into the street.
"Can't take compliments I see."
"I can too take a compliment. Thank you for your compliment. "
"Change of heart so fast? "
He chuckles,turning up the music.
The drive to the club was exciting. Elijah made jokes excessively the whole time. After parking,we made our way into the club.
"ID please?"
The bouncer says as we approached the door of the club. We showed our IDs, before walking into the club. It reeked of alcohol and body sprays.
"You ever been to this club? "Elijah says in my ear, because it was too loud.
"Nope, never in my life. " I respond.
"Come on my people over at the back."
We walked through the many people who were dancing,and grinding. I have no idea where he was taking me, but I followed. I mean hell, I didn't really have a choice, because he had my wrist. We approached a group of people sitting on couches ,at the back of the club.
Elijah assures me, as if he could feel me tense up. Elijah was greeted with daps and hugs, meanwhile I was given stares and looks. Not to mention the mean mugging girl in the corner.
"Everybody this is Victoria, Victoria this is Mikey,Jerome,dutchess,Mace,and Donna. "
I wave pitting on the fakest, pleasant smile I could. Elijah sits on the empty couch, motioning me over to sit next to him. When I sat down I instantly felt uncomfortable.
"Damn, E where you met her. I didn't think you would ever get away from clingy ass Danni. "
The guy he called Jerome says.
Elijah chuckled at the thought of his ex thief.
"Well I mean we did a song together , and one thing led to another. "
"But we need to discuss business. Ladies?"
Mace says looking at us.
"Okay Damn ,well I'm about to go dance or whatever you coming? "
Dutchess asks looking at me and Donna. Who happens to be the girl mean mugging me earlier. But I'm not sweating it, just a misunderstanding. Dutchess walks into the crowd.
"I'm going to the restroom."
I tell Elijah,who nods his head.
"Oh I'll go with you! My contact is trying to slip and stuff."
Donna says smiling and getting up from where she was sitting.
"Sure that'll be fine."
I respond smiling. See, I told you it was a misunderstanding.
"Right after I get us drinks. You haven't drunk anything since you came , and I'm the person who can get you lit."
I laugh at her remark,before walking to the bathroom. It was clean for a popular club. I looked in the mirror, staring at my reflection. My phone rung in my purse. I have no idea who it can be. Looking at the caller ID I answer.
No response. I hang up the phone, wondering who it could be.
"There you are."
Donna says bursting through the door. She hands me the cup of God knows what. I take a swallow, frowning up at how strong it was.
"So how long have you and Elijah known each other?"
She asks fixing her hair in the mirror.
"Almost a month now. "
"Fresh meat I see."
I began feeling funny. Like the room was spinning and everything was repeatedly blurry then clear. I dash water on my face, forgetting I wore make-up.
"Are you okay? You don't look too well."
"I'm dizzy. "
I say before everything went black. I open my eyes slightly only to see a blurry face hovering over me.
"Stay away from him bitch. "
Then there was a blow to my face causing me to completely black out.

Please comment and vote..... sorry for the wait.... going through some things... but I can't forget about yal... ❤❤❤🔥🔥💖💖😘😘😘

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