8 - Besties again?

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Raven's POV

"Well um....I was thinking since you was planing to lay on Ray's chest but got paired up with me instead....then um...maybe...you could just lay on my chest instead....just so you can get some rest since their is still 4 more hours to go til we get there.." Roc said softly, his tone a bit awkward.

"Um...I don't know..."

Roc signed as he shook his head lightly. "Look Raven....I'm not stupid....I know you don't want to sit beside me or get to friendly with me because you think I still have feelings for you, but I'm telling you right now that I am over you ok? You don't have to worry about me trying anything....I just want us to go back to being the real good friends we use to be ok?"

Wow, I guess he really doesn't have feelings for me anymore....THANK GOD! Now I don't have to worry anymore!

I smiled and nodded "Okay"

Roc let loose a smile, a smile like I haven't seen in a while honestly. "Good so I'm gonna ask you again, Raven do you want to lay on my chest since we still have four more hours til we get there and since you can't get comfortable?"

 I took a deep breath and nodded "Sure"

"Ok" Roc smiled and moved over a bit so he'd be comfortable when I layed down. "Ok, I'm ready now"

Ok here goes nothing..... I laid on Roc's chest and might I say it was so soft, and way more comfortable than that stupid neck pillow.

Roc laid back on his pillow and began nodding off again. "Aye, Roc?"

He slightly opened his eyes, looking down at me "Yeah?"


Roc smiled "No problem... bestie"

I let loos a smile of my own. "Goodnight Roc"

"Night Rae"

Roc's POV

After that Raven just went to sleep....I guess she was really tired....anyway I'm bout to go to sleep but before I go I just gotta say it feels good to have Raven back ......I mean as a friend ......  Ha ha ha....anyway um yeah..I'm out..NIGHT! 

Ray's POV

Ok so right now I'm trying to sleep but...EMILY keeps trying to talk to me.. -___-

"So I heard you like Tacos....I love Tacos...I also like the color purple and drawing....I mean it's so weird that we have so many things in common!?"

-____- "Yeah, weird..."

"I know right! Anyway so what do you like to do in your free time?!? I like to eat and watch TV and ride my bike and- "

"Look! I don't mean to be rude but I'm very tired and I really need to get some sleep so...-"

"Oh I understand! Besides I'm getting sleepy so I guess we can both go get ready for some shut eye"

I smiled, probably for the first time since she has been beside me "Great, thanks for understanding". Like expected she smiled back twice has hard "No problem Ray! Anyways goodnight!"

"Um, yeah goodnight Emily..."

So after that I close my eyes and BAM! She lays her head on my chest


"Um Emily what are you doing?"

This chick started fake snoring.. Really tho? -____________- 

You know what I'm tired so fuck it....I'm just gon go to sleep for the next 4 hours and when I wake up I'm gon get the fuck AWAY from her then go find my baby! Ugh I missed Raven but the faster I go the sleep the fast I get to see her so Bye!


I know it's short but I will update more soon.....anyway yeah I'm out so peace! 

-RTJ <3

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