1 - Classroom Drama

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Ray's POV

"Ite, we here" I said as me and the boys got out of the limo and started walking into Raven's school.

Roc looked a bit nervous "Um, are you sure about this Ray?"

"Yeah, I mean every year I get Raven a Valentine's day gift then we Skype or something and I tell her something sweet and we blow kisses through the web cam. Well I'm sick of that. This year I want to do it all in person. Plus, I wanted to tell her the big news in person...not over so stupid web cam"

Prince shrugged "Ite, whatever....but if I get jumped by a million girls I'm gonna be mad at you Ray!"

Roc and Prod nodded "Same here!". "Ite, well since we already got our vistor's passes....and everybody's in class...all we gotta do now is find Raven's class room..". "That lady upfront said it was room '143'..".

"Wow...." "I know right" Prod said as we all started walking towards room 143. "Wait! there it is.."  Roc said pointing to the door that read '143'

We all went over to the room. I knocked on the door twice then some lady opened it...I'm guessing it was her teacher.

"Um hello, how may I help you?"

"Um hi, is Raven in this class?"

"Oh, yes she's right over there....here" The lady opened up the door a little bit more "Come in"

We all stepped in the classroom

"Raven, you have some guest"

Raven looked up "Oh...my...gosh". I smiled a little....I could tell she was surprised but before I could do anything I heard...


"IT CAN'T BE...."


Every girl in the room except for Raven just screamed "MINDLESS BEHAVIOR!!!!!"

And that is when it all went down.....every girl in the room jumped out of their seats and ran over to us, the lady jumped out of the way and was just looking clueless....I guess she doesn't know who we are. Anyway while we were getting attacked by about 20 girls, Raven was just looking down at her desk...I can tell she was getting nervous but still...she needs to help us!!

"Raven! Help us....please!" Wow, she didn't even look up at Prince. "Rae....PLEASE!!" Dang! She ignored Prod too...I wonder if she'll ignore me...well only one way to find out.

"Baby Please! Help us!" Ha! I got her to look up but right when I was about to say something this girl beat me to it...

"HOLD UP! DID HE JUST CALL YOU BABY!?!" some girl said walking over to Rae's desk. "Um... no?" Raven said as the girl got all up in my baby's personal space.

Uh-oh....I don't think this is gonna end good. That girl and I guess her crew are walking up to Raven and they looked pissed!

"Raven?! Why the fuck did my boo just call you baby!?!?" she said getting even more up in my girl's face.  Her boo?!? I'm NOT her boo...she is wayyyyy to ratchet and ghetto for me..

"Your boo? I'm not your boo!". "Like I said, why is my boo calling you Baby" Did this chick not hear me....or is she ignoring me on purpose?

"Raven, how come you didn't tell us you knew Mindless Behavior !?!?" another girl said walking over there as well. "What the fuck Raven, I don't believe your ass didn't tell us you knew MB and dated one of them!!" Once again, another girl said walking over there, basically surrounding my baby.

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