>This part takes place when Shawn asks Rose to dance<

As they pushed through a crowd of familiar faces, Rose grabbed on to Shawn's hand. He looked back at her and smiled, and she also gave him a smile. It was as if she wanted to tell him she loved him through her actions, probably because she was to scared to say it out loud. She didn't want to be rejected from him, especially when they had gotten so close over the past week. Words could not explain how she felt when she saw him back at the café. She had missed him all too much. He was taken away from her, even though nothing stopped her from going to see him. Now he was here, she was feeling those exact same emotions she had felt back in year 7. She had loved him for ages, up until the end of school, when she lost all contact with him. The only person she still saw was her best friend Louise. They lived together now, as roommates. It was much easier this way. Louise liked to go out a lot, you know, to clubs and all with some other friends that Rose vaguely remembered from school. This meant that she was alone in her room a lot of the time. Then it hit her like a brick building collapsing on her. She didn't just like Shawn at the time, she also liked Thomas. Thomas was extremely popular and out of her league back then, and he was really cute, too. Still couldn't beat Shawn, though. It excited her that he was in the same room as her this current moment, hopefully. She just hoped he'd shown up. Shawn continued to lead her through the crowd of overdressed girls and underdressed boys. When they found a little space they stopped, but before anything could happen, a guy in a duck suit showed up I front of Rose. She laughed, instantly recognising the face: Dan.
"HEEYYYY!!!" He shouted, trying to drown out the music with his voice. "JUST THOUGHT I'D LET YOU KNOW, THOMAS IS OVER THERE!" He then pointed over a bunch of people to a table, with a few people crowded around it. Rose couldn't make out the faces, but she was sure she saw someone who looked like Thomas. Dan knew about her crush on Thomas, only because a certain Panda couldn't contain her secret for too long. Then she realised that Dan had told Shawn about her crush on Thomas. "Oh god."she thought. This couldn't end well. What if Shawn didn't want to be with her because he thought she liked someone else? Damn Daniel. She looked over at Shawn, who was also searching through the crowd for Thomas. He turned to face Rose, with slight traces of hurt left on his face. Just then another guy with a pink, glittery suit showed up next to Dan. She was immediately jealous of his suit; she couldn't help but love the colour and the glitter. She then mentally scolded herself for thinking that. Even though it was true. She instantly recognised him, too. The hair, the walk, standing incredibly close to Dan; it was Lewis. Dewis (Dan+Lewis) used to annoy her a lot back in school, but then again, she was the one who annoyed them first, with a lot of help from Louise. Rose had had enough surprises for one week, but she didn't expect Lewis to kiss Dan on the cheek.
She sent Dan a death glare and said "I see our predictions were right, then?" All of the "squad" had said that they would end up together, but it was only a joke! Well, not anymore, anyway.
Lewis just laughed and replied with "I guess loud mouth showed up then." Rose's face turned bright red with both annoyance and anger.
"I thought you'd be too busy with Dan to come to this party in particular." She simply said, because it was true. Lewis just pulled a fake smile. Rose went to slap him, just because it was making up for all the times she didn't slap him. Just before her hand came into contact with his face, Shawn had reached for her hand and grabbed it before anything bad happened. He held onto her hand and pulled it back down to her side.
"See you two are together then?" Asked Dan.
"We're not together! We're just good friends!" Said Shawn, although he didn't want the "just good friends" part to be true, because he loved her more than he had ever loved anything in his whole entire life.
"Yeh, yeh." Mumbled Lewis as he turned around and walked to the bar with Dan following.
"Don't listen to Dan, about the whole Thomas thing. I don't like him at all anymore." Rose said. She wanted to make sure Shawn got the message: she didn't love Thomas, she loved him, no one else.
He just nodded and asked her "Do you want to go get a drink?"
"Yeah, that would be great." Only just had she realised that she was really thirsty.
They went up to the bar, just about avoiding Dewis. They ordered two drinks (non-alcoholic, guys!) and went to find a table outside. The garden of the place were the party was wasn't that large, but it wasn't small either. There was a table and two chairs placed neatly next to it. There were a few people outside, and one of them was Shawn's old friend, Connor; he was obviously drunk, unless a completely sober man would be kissing a blue bin. They sat down away from all of the loud music and drunk people.
"Ummm... Rose?" Shawn was the first to break the silence.
"Well... I... I was just... Just... Ummm..." He stopped at his failing attempts to speak.
"What is it, Shawn?" Rose had notice that he seemed really nervous, especially since she had told him that she didn't like Thomas.
"Ok, so, here goes nothing... Rose, I've always liked you, always. Like? I don't even like you, I love you! And, as long as you love me to, then I'm complete. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love everything about you: even your crazy, funny fandoms that I know you love. Will you be my girlfriend? I know it's crazy bu-" but before he could finish his sentence, Rose had already answered.
"YES!!!" She squealed with pure happiness. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ,yes!!!"
They both laughed at her childish behaviour and hugged each other tightly, because they knew no matter what, they would never let go.

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