>This takes part when everyone goes to dance apart from Peter and Becky<

They stood there awkwardly for what seemed like hours. Becky wasn't too excited to be at the party, but she was curious about what everyone looked like now, and what they did for a living. Becky hadn't really had any experience with jobs- she had only had a weekend job working in a café, but decided to leave after three weeks, only because she was dropping hot and cold drinks here, there and everywhere. She wondered whether Peter had a job...
She hadn't realised that she was staring at Peter whilst thinking. He noticed this, and as if he could read her mind, he laughed at her awkwardness. She turned bright red and instantly looked down and chuckled softly.
"So how's life?" He asked, trying to spark a conversation. Should she tell him all her worries? Could she trust him? She wanted to, but they hadn't had much time together, and she wanted to know him better before she put her life in his hands.
"Oh, not bad." She said, then added "Although I do find myself writing stories a lot, even though they are kinda crap. Well to me they are anyway. My mom likes to read them a lot and I think she might help me get one of them published. Apparently they're that good. What about you?"
"Wow. I'm not really doing much. I might look at doing all that tech stuff. I find myself breaking and fixing my computer lately, you know, homemade updates sorta stuff." He said laughing as if his hobby seemed stupid.
"That sounds cool, I guess. Though I'd be no good at it." She replied, laughing along with him.
Just then her stomach growled from beneath her black sparkly dress.
"Well, we all know what that means! Let's go eat all the food, shall we?" Said Peter. She laughed at him before taking his hand and leading him to the food. Peter's face turned red when she touched his hand and he couldn't help but smile when she held on tighter. However Becky was just as shocked. She was holding his hand. She smiled to, thankful that he couldn't see her crimson cheeks.

They were at the food tables for an hour until they finally decided to stop eating before it all came back up in the morning. They went and got a drink and found an empty table. They sat down and Becky wanted to just watch the 'strangers' before her eyes. She wanted to see if she could recognise some people. A girl walked past with a tight, short, red dress. She had long blond hair and icy blue eyes: Angel. Next to her was a gingery-blonde girl who was wearing a short black dress and lots of black accessories: Shannon. She recognised a few more people: Thomas -who was a little bit drunk- and his friend Dylan. Rachel and Chloe. Jack and Niall. Only then she noticed Louise and Sam walking up to them.
"Hey!" Said Louise giggling. She looked a little bit tipsy, but she could still walk at least.
"Hi." Said Becky, giving her a small wave and laughing.
Then she could here a different song being put on. She could recognise those lyrics from anywhere. It was a Fall Out Boy song: "Dance, Dance". Louise's head instantly shot up from its resting place on Sam's shoulder and smiled devilishly. They instantly started to sing along and play invisible guitars and drums. This was what every party should be like: a slightly drunk best friend and Fall Out Boy. Then Shaundi and Koby came over, laughing their heads off.The next song was also a Fall Out Boy song, but the next one was a Shawn Mendes song: Stitches. As if by magic, Rose instantly appeared at the table with Shawn. His hand was around her waist and he pulled her closer with every chance he got. Both Becky and Louise raised their eyebrows as if to say "Are you two together then? ;)". Rose was singing along to the song with a passion, literally. Soon, Louise joined in. Everything seemed perfect. The next song was a 5SOS song and Rose literally screamed. Her and Louise were now a singing mess.
Becky pulled out her phone to check the time. Midnight.
"Well, I'm going to go now, so unless you guys want to be here all night, by all means come along." She said as she started to raise from her seat. Everyone else got up too, and headed for the exit. Only Becky and Peter remained at the table. Becky couldn't stand anymore awkwardness, so she excused herself to go to the toilet. Once she came out she made for the exit, guessing that Peter had got bored of waiting and went outside with everyone else.
Peter caught sight of Becky sitting in the corner of the room helping herself to one last chicken wing. He started walk over to her just as she had finished her chicken, but when he was about halfway to her, a very drunk girl with little clothing on to cover her skin practically jumped on him.
"HIII PETER! WHAT A SURPRISE TO SEE YOU HERE!" She said, then giggled like a mad person. Becky just happened to look up at the same time and see this.
It was too good to be true, she thought. When she finally had Peter to herself, some other girl tried to take him away. This person was Osano-chan. Tears were beginning to build up in her eyes. She violently took off her heels and put on some trainers she had in her bag, then made a dash for the exit. If only she saw Peter push Osano-chan off of him as if she were a tarantula on his face. She stumbled back into the crowd as he raced off to find Becky.
Becky was in front of the door, but she was blocked by a snogging Dan and Lewis.
"UGH! MOVE!" She said, a little harsher than she meant to, and pushed them aside. She got outside and breathed in the nights air. She could hear Rose and the others laughing about something in the distance, but the sound of her quickly beating heart almost blocked them out. The doors opened once again revealing Peter, who was taking deep breaths from sprinting to catch up with her. She turned to run to everybody else, where she thought he wouldn't have the guts to make a scene in front of them, but before she could move, he ha had grabbed onto her hand and pulled her close, staring into her soul through her eyes. She wanted to hug him, even kiss him, but she couldn't think straight. She just wanted to get the night over with and then she would be able to spend time with him tomorrow. Yeah. That sounded nice.
"Don't run away from me." He said in a calm, reassuring way.
"I won't." She replied. She ran into his arms and hugged him tight, like she would never let go.

&quot;It started with I mean...&quot; 'Epilogue' + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now