Everyone was asleep when the doorbell rang. Everyone meaning Rose, Louise, Shawn, Sam, Becky, Peter, Shaundi and Koby. They had all stayed over at Rose's and Louise's house that night. Then the doorbell rang again. Rose stirred in her sleep for a few minutes then eventually heard the doorbell ringing nonstop. She got up out of bed carefully so she didn't wake Shawn. She put on her fluffy pink dressing gown and matching slippers and tied her hair up into what Shaundi and the others would call a "birds nest" - it was just her fail attempt of a high ponytail. She walked out of her bedroom, down the stairs, past the living room (where Shaundi, Koby, Becky and Peter slept, and to the front door. As she slowly started to unlock it, she quickly checked the time on her phone: 11:00am. She mentally hit herself for not already showering and getting dressed. She pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face that anyone she knew would recognise anywhere. Then a second familiar face appeared into view. Oh no, was all she could think. What was she supposed to say? They were on her doorstep, for goodness sakes!
"Well?" She finally said crossing her arms.
"Well, good morning to you to, Rose!" Said Lewis.
"What are you doing here? How on earth do you know where I live?" She said, a little surprised that no one else had woken up to back her up.
"We sorta followed you guys back in my car after you left. And don't yell at us for that, because that's just being what I call a hypocrite." He said, also crossing his arms.
"Well, we were just curious. Turns out you live down the road from me."
Rose's face went pale, and then red because she had stopped breathing.
"L-L-LOUISE!!!! GET YOUR BUT DOWN HERE NOW!" Rose screamed up the stairs. A minute later Louise came crashing down the stairs, still half asleep.
"W-what?" She asked. Only when she was done rubbing eyes she finally looked up to the two men in front of her. Her jaw lowered as low as it could possibly go, and for a few seconds, Rose thought she was going into shock.
"Umm...hi?" Said Daniel from behind Lewis.
"Ok, so, it's freezing out here and we've been outside for a while now, so I'll just..." As Lewis was saying this he squeezed past Rose and Louise and into the house. "Lovely! Nice and warm!" He said.
Just then Rose whacked him around the head.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"Everyone else is still asleep, and I'm not sure wether they want to wake up to you!" She replied. "Why are you even here?"
"Well, Louise was once my best friend, and Shawn, Koby and Peter were once my friends to so..."
As he said this Louise's eyes widened and then her cheeks turned pink. "I'VE GOT A BOYFRIEND!" She blurted out.
"Yes, I know you have!" Said Rose.
"I wasn't talking to you. Anyway, you hate almost everyone in this house, so why are you so interested now?" Asked Louise.
"Well, why not? Let's not forget I've been living 5 minutes away from your house for at least two years now. Kinda stupid ignoring both of your presences really." He said.
"Well, I'm going to wake everyone else up and then get in the shower." Said Rose as she hurried into the living room.
Becky and Peter had slept on the floor on a blow up mattress and Koby and Shaundi were on the sofa. A smirk crept its way onto Rose's face as she figured out a way to wake Becky up. She walked slowly over to Becky then jumped on her and practically crushed her. What comes around goes back around, she thought. Becky instantly woke up and started hitting Rose, so they were both laughing and screaming at the same time, waking everyone else up.
"Alright, alright! I'm awake!" Becky shouted.
"Good." Rose said laughing. She went back out into the hall, past Dewis and Louise, and upstairs to the bathroom.

"It started with I mean..." 'Epilogue' + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now