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"okay, now can you read it back to me?" kitty adjusted in harry's leg and leaned forward.

"the quick brown fox jumped over the..." kitty leaned in closer to get a better look.

"mhm, keep going princess." kitty nodded and parted his lips.

"... the lazy dog?" harry smiled and ruffled his hair.

"great job. are you ready for another one?" kitty nodded, grabbing the end of his sweater and covering his hands.

"are you cold?" kitty scrunched his nose and shook his head. "alright then. tell hazza if you ever get cold okay? now, do you wanna easy sentence or a hard one?"

kitty rocked in his arms. "hard. a hazza hard one."

harry giggled. "okay, read this one."

he flipped all the way to the back of the learning book he had in his hands to a difficulty 4 sentence. it wasn't all that hard for harry to read, but he wanted kitty to feel good.

"read this one." as he pointed to the last sentence on the page, the doorbell rang.

kitty got up from harry's lap and unhooked his tail from him. harry brushed of his pants from the excess fur from his tail and stood up.

"practice that sentence so we can read it when i get back okay?" kitty nodded and beamed, already focusing on the first few words.

harry walked over to the door and opened it up, the cold breeze swirling around. "niall?"

"jesus mate, you're always late answering the door. at least set up a heater and a magazine for the unnecessarily long wait." niall stormed his way inside, taking off his boots and hanging his coat up. "where's the little one?"

the two walked over to the livingroom and found kitty nose deep in the book he was reading. when he heard niall's loud footsteps, he shot up and ran over towards them.

"niall, i've missed you." niall gasped.

"you talk much more now. i see harry's been teaching you well." when niall mentioned teaching, kitty wiggled from his embrace and dragged them over to the spot he and harry were sitting at earlier.

"hazza, i've learned it." harry smiled and sat down crossed legged on the floor, allowing kitty to reclaim his seat in his lap.

"okay, okay." kitty cleared his throat and began reading. "amber sat in the grass, the leaves tickling her feet, and she laughed."

harry and niall both shared a big, proud look on thier face while kitty basked in the attention. "wonderful job kitty, and you did it all by yourself."

he smiled at niall's compliment. harry looked over at niall with a loving smile before turning back to kitty. "you did so great. you wanna go out to eat with niall tonight to celebrate? my treat."

both niall and kitty nodded and giggled and harry laughed at niall's childish behaviour. "okay, read another one for us while me and niall go talk, okay?"

kitty nodded and began reading. harry carefully moved himself away, standing up and he lead his friend into the kitchen. the first thing niall did was open the refrigerator and grab two juices.

kitty :: l.sWhere stories live. Discover now