Starbright | Chapter 1 | Sugawara

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"...uga...Suga! Suga! Watch out!"

Before I can even gather my thoughts to think about reacting to the warning a volleyball hits me right on the top of my head. I blink a few times and then stare at the volleyball on the floor for a few moments before I remember where I am. Oh yeah... I'm at volleyball practice...

"Sorry..." I plead to the team as I chuckle- hand awkwardly scratching the back of my head. I walk calmly over to the volleyball and pick it up- looking back at the rest of my teammates who are scattered around the gym.

It's been a long time since I've seen the team looked so stunned. It stuns me to know that the look on their faces now is because of my spacing out. I'm always the last one anyone expects to lose track of my surroundings. Maybe it's because I'm so positive and influential to everyone all the time? I'm usually the first person to notice something wrong with people, so perhaps it is odd for me to not notice something so obvious as a volleyball slowly falling towards me.

The voice of that warning- the one who sent me the pass in the first place- takes a step toward me. Daichi sets his hands on his hips as he gives me a sympathetic look, though right now I can't look at him without wanting to scowl or space out yet again. "Are you all right, Suga?" He asks, rather kindly, which only makes me more uneasy.

"I-I'm fine... I just... need some air..." I sprint toward the entrance to the gym and make my way to a bench that overlooks the courtyard. I slide into the seat- resting my back against it's wooden surface- as I stare up at the night sky.

I've been like this for a couple days now. Ever since I saw a particular scene with a particular person that's been keeping me on edge. The whole thing's got me so shaken up that I can't even face him at practice or in class anymore. I just end up apologizing or ignoring him outright.

I stare down at my hands which are shaking with anticipation. "What's wrong with me?" I ask in a whisper as I put my head in my hands. I'm such a coward when it comes to things like this.

Interrupting my thoughts I hear the sound of the gym door open and close, and then the sound of footsteps as they approach me. "I'm really okay," I tell whoever is checking on me, "So you can go on ahead without me."

"Wow..." He sounds seriously distraught by my words, though the hurt in his voice is attempting to be masked with intense sarcasm. "I think that's the most you've said to me all week, and you just tell me to leave? As if you expect me to leave you behind..."

I slam my fists onto the bench. "That's not what I meant, Daichi! You just don't need to skip practice over me is all..."

"I'm the team captain, aren't I?" I look up to find that he has crossed his arms over his chest. "It's my job to make sure my team is at it's best, and you obviously aren't, so I can't possibly understand my team any better if I don't even try to help you."

"Well, for the better of the team, maybe you should leave me behind." I scoff at him as I make my way to my feet. I turn to walk away from him, but he grabs my arm.

"Suga! What's got you saying things like this?!" He asks- completely bewildered. I sling his hand away, and he pulls his hand back in defeat.

What am I supposed to tell him? Should I tell him the petty reason why I'm so upset? It's Daichi, so I know he wouldn't laugh, but I couldn't possibly expect him to understand without explaining the most embarrassing thing... No, there's no way I can tell him that! So I turn away from him again, though I don't try to walk away because I know he will stop me until he gets the information he wants from me.

There has to be another explanation I can use... Something else that's been nagging me that won't result in utter humiliation... Something else he'll believe... "I'm saying I'm useless to you. I don't get put in games unless Kageyama is desperate, and even then all I can do is serve as a petty substitute. You can find a replacement." What am I saying?! Have I always been scared of that? Of him leaving me behind? But... then again... maybe that was the whole reason why I became so distraught in the first place.

"That's not true!" Surprising me, he puts both hands on my shoulders and spins me back toward him. "No one can ever replace you, Suga! You have to believe that!"

But, as I stare at his face, all I can think about was the scene from before and all I can do is cry and attempt to explain as I pound at his chest in a fit to get him to let me go. "Stop saying that!" I cry out, desperately failing to break free from his grasp. "You always say that to everybody! It's not as if it's special anymore!"

"I mean it this time." He slips his strong arms around my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug. My heart skips a beat. I was not expecting this. His voice is calm, sweet, precise... This is what his voice sounds like when he's completely serious. "I could never leave you behind, so don't give up on me."

The tears fell in a flurry, and I knew I was done fighting back. I wouldn't attempt to hold him back in fear for the growing pain in my rapid-beating heart, though I would allow him to hold me for just these few moments. I couldn't resist his words, his warmth, his glow... It's as if the humans of the world are the stars above and he has, for the moment, chosen the dimmest star. Being chosen- even if it was because he is attempting to fix my glow- is enough for the moment. But will it be enough tomorrow? Which star will he choose next?

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