Ch. 4

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"I think you should just give up, Zaraki. Ya look like your in a little bit of pain." A bit being an understatement. I think i've managed to punture his left lung, severed his femeral artery, broke both his arms, he is bruised and cut from head to toe and i may or may not have possibly fractured his spine. Oh and he might have a concussion. I looked on as he went from leaning heavily on his sword, to toppling over on to his face. No. Definetly has a concussion.

I felt a little sorry for him. In all the years ive known him, i dont think he's ever won a fight with me. Maybe its because i was older then him or maybe because i was an Espada. But i bet his ego and pride must be as bruised as his body because he keeps losing to a girl in front of his squad and fellow Captains. The only thing Zaraki was able to inflict on me was a slight tear in my captains robe on the sleeve. Such a small, insignificant tear.

But im gonna have to get it fixed. I guess it was time that i got a new robe.

As i looked at Kenpachi's motionless body, it brought back memories of my fights with the First Kenpachi. Now that was a person i would love to fight again. They were ruthless and bloodthirstier then this guy. I dont think either one of us was able to beat the other. My fights with her was the reason why i continued to pick fights with this Kenpachi. I wanted to bring him up to or as close to her level as i could so that i could actually fight him on an even level.

And not feel like a bully in a playground, beating little kids up for their lunch money.

"Well that was amusing while it lasted." Toshiro mumbled as he folded his arms into his sleeves and walked off with Rangiku trailing behind him. Wow. For a little kid, he had one huge attitude. I looked at his retreating form and could just make out a stick poking out of his ass.

"Congratulations Mira...again!" Rangiku yelled as her and Toshiro dissapeared down the hill. I dont know how Rangiku can be his Assistant Captain, she had a more bubbly, laid back personality. While he was to serious for his age.

"One of these days your gonna lose, Mira. Your not invincible. So dont act all smug". Soi Fon sneered as she walked past me.

"Chh. Last time i checked you've never beat me either. So how about you dont act all smug." I sneered back at her. Soi Fon makes me laugh. She walks around like her shit dont stink. When hers stinks the worst. Ever since she became the Captain of Second Company and head of the Secret Remote Squad after Yoruichi, she has been constantly trying to pick a fight with me. Maybe she feels threatened by me or i dont know what, but she's won as many times as Zaraki.

Ummm, none.

"Dont mind her, Mira. Secretly she has a bit of respect for you in her.....somewhere." Omeida smiled down at me.

"OMEIDA!!!" Soi Fon hollered.

"Coming Captain!" He waved good bye and ran after her. Omeida was another person who i was shocked to see Assistant Captain to an ass. He was a nice guy, but kind of thought to highly of himself. Soi Fon was a B-I-T-C-H.

The rest of the Captains and squad members congratulated me and went back to their barracks as well. Squad Four was the only one left because they were to busy trying to figure out how to get Zarakis massive weight on to a gurney. It was like trying to carry an elephant on a blanket. Not gonna happen

"Ok. One, two, three." Five of them rolled Zaraki face first onto the gurney. I saw Unohana standing behind them shaking her head.

I cant believe she went from being a Kenpachi to the head of Fourth Division. The medical squad. Two completly different areas.

"Dont worry, Uno. Zarakis a big boy. He'll live." She gave me a nod as we watched her team fail miserably at lifting him up. I dont know how she got the patience to be apart of this group. I mean come on. How many times have they had to do this and they still cant lift his weight. Sigh.

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