Ch. 5

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"No Akri-Naisi your not doing it right. I want it right there!!" Kimi pointed to the left hand corner of her room where I'm assuming she wanted her...I don't know exactly what, placed.
"But you said you wanted it over here?" Naisi complained as he looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel in his forehead. I don't know if it was because of Kimi or because of what he was moving was heavy.
" Kimi, what is that anyway?" I asked from the doorway.
"It's the Kimis masterpiece and her masterpiece needs to be OVER THERE!!" She yelled at Naisi. She started to jump up and down an pointed to the corner of the room.
"Ok ok I'm going." Naisi lifted "Kimis Masterpiece" and dragged it over to the designated spot for it. I decided then was a good time for me to leave those two alone. Was not gonna be suckered in to helping Kimi. I love her dearly but she can be very...complicated.
I headed down the stairs toward the kitchen. We've been at this apartment for about a month now trying to get settled. My fracciones have never really been in the world of the living for this long so I wanted them to get accustomed with how "living people" acted before I signed us up for school. I guess Aizen wanted us to attend the school here. I don't know why but I'm just gonna go with it.
Hey Sasha I'm gonna go for a walk for a bit. I'll be back later." I grabbed my jacket off the coat hangar and headed towards the back door.
"Do you want me to go with you?" He turned the stove off and took off his apron. Sasha pretty much designated himself as head chef here. Amazing to say he was an awesome cooker. Naisi is head heavy lifter/mechanic and Vega is head technician. Me and Kimi are in charge of the cleaning. The guys will help out of course because they don't like us girls doing dirty work. Especially washing their dirty undies.
"No I'll be fine. But I expect to come home to a delicious meal though." I popped him on the shoulder and headed out. It wasn't to cold outside but there was a nice cool breeze in the air. I could smell the ocean from here because we were lucky enough to get an apartment right by the beach. I didn't really have an idea where I wanted to go. I just kind of let my feet go where they wanted to.
I passed by small little shops selling little trinkets and knicknacks. Saw some candy shops and a nice little ice cream parlor. I don't know when the last time I had ice cream was so I headed towards it. It wasn't busy inside. The only people were two girls. One tall girl with black pixie cut hair and the other had orange hair and....huge boobs. I mean dang those must hurt her back. Poor thing. I looked down at my chest and was glad for my a little above average breast size.
I looked back to the ice cream and decided to get two scoops of cookies and cream ice cream. "You must be one of the new people that moved in down the street." I looked up at the young kid behind the counter. He looked to be no older then 17 with an average face and brown hair. He had a small scar at the corner of his left eye that gave him this serious look to his face.
"Yeah. My names Mira." I reached out and shook his hand.
"My names Tadashi. Are you attending the school here as well?" He went back to scooping my ice cream into this cute little pink cup.
"Yeah I'm signing me and my roommates up next month. Do u go to school?" He handed over the ice cream and I have him the money for it.
"Yeah I go to Karakura High. Maybe I'll see you around next month at school."
"Yeah. It was nice to meet you Tadashi." I headed towards the exit of the ice cream parlor and over heard the conversation the two girls were having.
"You know you like him Orihime. You have since elementary school."
"That's not true Tatsuki."
"Then why are you blushing?"
"...I'm not blushing."
"Well I think you should tell him. Ichigo probably thinks you are hot too. I mean come on who would pass up on those BOOBS."
I paused outside the door and looked over at the girls. "Did you say Ichigo?"
The girl looked over at me and gave me a weird look. "Uh who are you?"
I don't know what possessed me to stop and ask them. I should of just left. I could tell the girl with the black hair, I think her name was Tatsuki, wasn't to happy that I butted into their conversation. "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude. Never mind." I opened the door to leave.
"Do you know Ichigo?" It was the girl with the big boobs, Orihime.
"Yeah...well I knew him awhile ago. Haven't seen him for awhile now. Probably doesn't even remember who I am now." I mumbled the last part and left the shop. I didn't know where I was headed until I found myself at a familiar spot by the ocean. Sitting On the rail I started to eat my ice cream and wondered about Ichigo. He would be about 15 or 16 now. I wonder what he looks like? If he is a good kid at school? Or if he has figured out his secret yet?
I froze. Spoon of delicious cookies and cream ice cream halted half way to my mouth. I was afraid to turn my head. It's been over seven years but I would know that spiritual pressure from anywhere.
I turned my head slowly.
"Mira is that you?" He started to walk closer.
"God you turned out HOT Ichigo."

I know it's been awhile but I've been crazy busy with work and being plan old lazy and tired. Kinda half assed this chapter but I had to reread my story a lot to remember where I was going with it lol

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