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Okay. You readers are probably thinking 'this is gonna be the same as beauty and the beast but with different -and more sexier- characters' and whoever thought that your right! But at the same time I feel as if your wrong. You see, this is practically the same plot line but with.... More twists.

Like how Eren is a 2meter Titan instead of a furry beast, or how Levi is a bit.... Okay, he is pretty much OC, -but who cares! He's still gonna have a bit of his personality- or how Erwin is the bad guy!

Oh gosh, I'm steering off topic here. Now in this story, not everyone has a happy ending. Well, that's how I want to picture it. You may cry, you may scream, you may even start to hate me, but this story is different and more dangerous then the movie.

But how about We talk less about the plot line and more about the characters.

Firstly Eren Jaeger; Eren wasn't always what he was today; can you believe that. He was once Royal, stunning, a sight to sore eyes and absolutely delicious. He was the prince. Ladies threw themselves at him from right to left. But with silky brown hair, big ocean eyes, amazingly tanned skin and a future King; who could blame them?

But he never accepted them, only politely rejecting them to mourn and wonder what they did wrong. But the truth was It wasn't actually their fault, it was more like.... His fault for liking his own gender more. He had always favoured boys over girls.

When growing up, his life was as perfect as it could be, but that  all changed when hi— wait wait wait! I'm sorry but if I continue I'm gonna end up ruining all the surprises and heart break! And I really don't want that.

So Let's just move on to the next character

Levi Ackerman; now his life was shit when growing up. Being bullied for being a male with a slightly feminine figure can do really bad things to you. He'd never once had a human friend in his life. The only people he had close was his mother Kuchel and uncle Kenny. You see I said human friend because well.... He did have a friend but they weren't human. His horse; Rivalle, was his bestest friend, a black stallion which he'd found injured when younger, so he took him in and rivalle had never left his side since.

Well there was— actually no no no, I was gonna say Erwin smith but Levi actually hates his guts. Why you ask? Well Erwin wants to marry Levi. You see Levi's bloodline is the Ackerman bloodline, one of the strongest bloodlines out there. Their family consisting of some of the strongest warriors known.

Okay I'm steering off topic again, but yeh, let's just say Erwin's a little flirt and Levi has to tolerate all the shit that dude says.

Actually, how about I talk to you about Erwin Smith.

In this story he's an ignorant asshole, bragging about everything he does which is always supposedly great. He's probably done the deed with every teenager in that village except for one certain Raven. For months now Erwin's been trying to get dat booty but has been rejected each time. He even went as far as trying to propose, saying they were meant to be. He was once again rejected.

Okay I'm just gonna stop here! I am actually not the mistress, I am simply one of her servants. I've already told you too much and if SHE finds out I've been telling you readers about this then off with my head it shall be! I am not even allowed to be telling you this... but I just wanted to warn you all that this story.... It isn't the same as the book, no, it's much much worse.

SHE is coming! Good luck reader and please do not hate the mistress for what goes on in this story! Good luck.... You'll need it.

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