Oh gosh it's been a few months now and I'm sorry! But here ya go! Smut will not be in this chapter but warning. It will be in the next one.
Levi sniffled as he held Eren in his arms, he had been able to drag the bigger male in the castle and out of the rain. But fuck, the blood didn't stop pouring and his hands were covered in it. He could only stare in horror. That was until everything started to brighten up.
Levi stared amazed, his hold on Eren loosening slightly as the castle started to... glow? It seemed to be changing shape and colour before his eyes. Which was extremely fucking weird since he had no idea what was happening nor what to do. The dull wallpaper started to change to various colours -thank the heavens he thought, cause he didn't like the old wallpaper, it was hideous and dirty- which made the room seem more lively.
He yelped and leaped back as Eren started to glow -not that he didn't glow already! Just he literally started looking like a fucking firefly. Levi looked on in wonder, mesmerised as the soft light seemed to dance around Eren' body, seeming as though it was skipping around him. Soon the other male had been fully consumed by it and Levi had to cover his eyes in fear of losing his vision.
Levi waited until the brightness died down, even after uncovering his eyes, he had to blink away the white spots appearing in his vision. Rubbing his eyes, he huffed and muttered a few curses under his breath, skin warm and dry under his hands, surprising since it had just been raining.... which seemed to have stopped. Levi looked up quickly and his jaw dropped.
"Holy shit" he muttered. Before him stood a man -not only taller then him but drop dead gorgeous, if he were a girl his panties would be dropping- with messy brown hair which seemed it hasn't been brushed for years but also made him look dangerously hot. Evenly tanned skin which looked so smooth to touch and oh did Levi want to touch. He was at least a few inches taller then him which was unfair. But those eyes. Oh he would never be able to forget them. He could always get lost in them cause they were... they were beautiful and he wanted to cry because this person was beautiful. Is beautiful. And very much alive.
Eren glanced down at himself, eyes wide as he took in his appearance. Staring at his hands in amazement, tanned skin covering his body instead of clumps of hair. He looked up, a dorky smile adoring his face. Levi couldn't help but throw himself in the others arms. Sobbing and clinging to him. Thankful the other male was well and here, the wound disappearing -lucky bastard-.
"I'm here... shh, I'm okay, we're okay" Eren mumbled and closed his eyes, holding the smaller male in his arms tightly. He couldn't bring himself to let go, he didn't ever want to. He was human.... Eren buried his face in Levi's hair and laughed, moving his hands so they were gripping Levi's thighs and he picked him up. Levi yelped and wrapped his legs around his hips, also laughing when Eren jumped around happily with him in the brunettes arms.
Eren stopped and stared up at the raven, looking at him with so emotion Levi couldn't force his blush down and he mumbled in embarrassment.
He was placed back on his feet but before he could take a step away, a hand was gripping his chin softly, tilting his head up so his eyes locked with Eren's. He could only make out a mischievous look in his eyes before soft plump lips were moving against his own.
Eren was kissing him
Those were the only words his mind could comprehend before he was kissing back, his hands coming up the grip the fronts of his shirt -did his clothes change as well!?- and oh gosh was it amazing. It so right, so perfect and he didn't want this moment to end. This was perfect. Eren was perfect. He couldn't describe in words how it felt for he'd never felt something such as this.

The Beast And A Beauty
Fanfiction"You're not a monster" "If you've seen and heard what I've done, you would regret that Sentence" "Well you havnt given me a good enough reason to call you something so cruel so why should I listen to what others say?" ".....you saw me kill those ani...