Levi had many things he wanted to get checked off his 'today to do list'. Like feeding the animals, going to buy some more seed to plant, probably even getting a book or two to read. But being roughly slammed against a wall wasn't on his to do list. Nor were the perverted words whispered into his ear which were something he had never wanted to hear. But it seemed like fate hated him.
Because right now his front was pushed against a brick wall and disturbing words were currently being whispered in his ear. And who had pressed him up against the wall you ask? Well no other then the arrogant asshole who he calls Eyebrows but others call Erwin Smith.
"Come on Levi~ give yourself into me already~ I'll be sure to look after that body of your's" that deep voice whispered in his ear. A shiver ran down Levi's spine, though not from pleasure but from from utter disgust. Levi Swore he was the only sane teenager in that damn village -and the only fucking teenage virgin-.
And looking after his body? What did this douche think he was, a sleazy prostitute? Hell to the fuck no. He wasn't going to give himself to this asshole, even if it was the last thing he ever did. Lifting his leg slowly, he shifted to the left a bit and swinging his leg up from behind and. Hah, Bingo.
Levi turned and smirked in victory. Taking a step and walking over the sobbing body on the ground to who was currently hovering their hand above their own genitals. They reached out to him with their free hand but he swiftly kicked it away, turned and strived back through the village with a smile on his face, but that all disappeared when he walked through the main part of the village.
The village wasn't that big and popular, but it was home. A valley of trees surrounding the building, farmland beyond the trees, animals and children running through the grounds of said village. Adults smiling and saying hello to passing villages, and the teenagers laughing together. Okay now the last two were lies but he could dream. The older men staggered around, laughing and slurring their words. The woman shouting at their children and sometimes others. Sometimes both being violent.
And the teenagers. Secretly making out behind buildings, flirting and fighting with each other, some turning to stare as Levi walked threw the village. He couldn't blame them, not everyday you hear about someone rejecting the 'sex God' of the village. Especially still saying No after six months, but the joker was a stubborn man.
Levi quickened his pace as he saw some girls turn and sneer viciously at him. Meaning the bitchy girls who thought they were all 'that'. To which consisted of; Petra Raul, Nanaba and Hitch-didn't-bother-to-learn-her-last-name. Petra once had a crush on him, but that was long gone as he turned her down in public when she asked him, smiling proudly when she thought he'd say yes.
Walking through the slightly tall grass, he could make out his house in the distance. Of course it was out of The village, his family were the outcasts, well his uncle wasn't. His uncle was a doctor, the only one in the village and a hell of a good one. That's how he, his mother and uncle were able to pay and keep the land they owned. His mother was a Liberian and often brought books home for her son to read. She was a beautiful woman, nearly an exact replica of Levi but as a woman.
She always had a smile on her face, laughing when someone told a joke even if it wasn't funny. Still forcing Levi to listen to her stories as he fell asleep, kissing his forehead and whispering goodnight when she thought the boy was asleep. She was special that way and he loved her for it, she never had to raise her voice at him and hugged him and whispered soothing words wen he cried. He loved both of them.
Levi blinked as he came face of face.... Well more like face to wood with a door. Turning to stare back, he saw he was already at his house and had gotten lost in his thoughts. How did he open the gate without paying attention? He looked back and saw the gate wide open and and chained. Okay, he definitely didn't do that.
Looking to his left, his unasked question was answered. His horse Rivalle was all strapped up and a carriage attached to him. Said horse was currently staring at him and neighing. Levi furrowed his eyes brows and walked inside the house.
"Levi? Is that you" an angelic voice asked. Walking into the kitchen he saw the owner of the voice. His mother was at the stove, an orange and blue apron tied around her waist. She was currently grating cheese Into a small tart looking pastry, which looked strangely like some cuisines. Kenny suddenly walked in and kissed kuchels cheek then walked to Levi and ruffled his hair.
"Hey kiddo, I'm gonna be taking Riva for the weekend" if you were wondering who Riva was, its rivalle but Kenny calls him by his nickname. Levi gave him an affirmative nod and turned back to his mother, drooling as He saw her take out a first batch of cuisines out of the oven. Kenny chuckled, said his goodbyes and walked out the door.
Levi already knew he was going to leave, He heard Kenny when he was talking on the phone. He needed to go to the village over because there was a disease to which they wanted him To check out. Running and pressing his face against the window, he waved as he saw Kenny and his horse ride off and only sat back down when he could not see them anymore.
Later that night, Levi was awoken by a tapping on his window. Yawning and stretching, he padded over to the window with tired eyes. Sliding it open, he came face to face with bushy eyebrows.
"The fuck do you want?" Levi growled, already pissed off from being woken up in the middle of the night.
"That's no way to talk to your husband is it?" That cocky shit, Levi thought. Thinking he can take and claim whatever he wants, well guess what asshole, get your head out of your ass because life isn't a Fairy Tale.
"Erwin I'm trying to get some sleep! Get your ass home and leave me alone!!" Levi growled, knuckles turning white as he clenched them. He had had it with that blond over grown freak.
"Hun calm down, I've only come to give a kiss to my beloved" a groan of pain was heard as Levi promptly slammed the window shut on Erwin's hand. Probably bruising it but Levi didn't really care what happened to Erwin anyway, so it was a win win for him.
Climbing back into bed, Levi shook his head and wondered how he and his family had even survived this long with a village of idiots. All of them cherishing a man with an over grown ego, his family had been there for them and what do they do? Treat them like garbage. They were the Ackermans, having some of the fiercest warriors ever known, that strength being passed down for generations and no one ever recognised them for it. He was sick of it.
'That's it, I'm not fighting for this village, I've had enough of them' Levi thought as he allowed sleep to overtake him and dreams to wash over. But tonight was a dreamless night. He felt as though something was going to happen soon, something big. And it didn't feel all that welcoming.
Hey reader-chan. This is the first chapter of my first story~ sorry it took so long but college is so busy, yes I suck at writing I know but meh, that ain't gonna stop me. Okay let me tell you about the story.... Unless someone's already told you, but in this story Eren shall be the beast, Levi the beauty and Erwin the nitwit who wants da booty. Don't get me wrong, Erwin's hot as fuck and he's awesome but.... I ship Ereri more then Eruri and Erwin seemed the kind of one to do that .___. I also made him a pervert but who cares~ now it's gonna be a while before chapter two but I promise it won't take over a month. Hope you like it so far reader-chan~

The Beast And A Beauty
Hayran Kurgu"You're not a monster" "If you've seen and heard what I've done, you would regret that Sentence" "Well you havnt given me a good enough reason to call you something so cruel so why should I listen to what others say?" ".....you saw me kill those ani...