Sicknesses and Stories

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Being a really famous musician wasn't easy, in fact Marceline is finding it really difficult to balance some time for both her beloved family and her career. Even if she tried to create some time for her wife and three year old daughter, they get bombard by paparazzi.

When marceline finally picked out the perfect date where she and her family get to chill and actually feel like they have some privacy, she catches a cold with a fever dragging not only her, but her poor three year old who insisted that Marcy should kiss her cheek even if she was sick and that she was a big girl who could handle anything.

Prancing around in their penthouse in one of NewYork city's most expensive skyscrapers, bonnibel couldn't help bit worry about the dangers of catching a cold and how long would it take for her baby to recover from her high fever. She worried about Marceline too without a doubt, but it was really hard for the two of them to conceive their beloved Amelia heavenly Abadeer and bonnie couldn't bear the thought of her being sick.

Deciding that she should make herself useful, she scurries quickly to the kitchen and heats up some water to make her main ladies some hot chocolate. When bonnibel got pregnant with Amelia, she had cravings for cinnamon and would add it to almost everything, including the hot chocolate that turned out to be their daughters favorite drink, including the cinnamon and some marshmallows on top.

She stirs the drinks and takes them to the master bedroom where her wife and daughter were curled up together under a handful of blankets and lots of pillows. She tiptoes inside the room and her heart melts at the sight in front of her. Marceline had Amelia wrapped in her arms protectively and their jet black hair tangled around their faces.
Amelia was the combination of the two of them, she had black hair, pale complexion that shone under the moon's light, and deep blue eyes that can make knees wobble and hearts melt by their beauty.

"Wake up Marcy, I made you some tea." Cooed bonnie quietly while trailing kisses on her wife's neck.

"As much as I love your kisses, I can't help but worry about you bon bon. I don't want another part of this family to be sick because of me." Marceline said groggily while moving her long hair away from her face.

"Don't be silly Marcy, Melia didn't get sick because of you. She would've eventually caught the virus and got sick by herself. You really shouldn't blame yourself for it." Bonnie knew that Marceline would not be convinced by her words even though bonnie was a pediatrician that had to deal with sick kids all the time.

"I just feel terrible when I see her like this. Remember that time when she was three months and suffered from pulmonary hemorrhage and was back on the ventilator? Doctors didn't even think she would make it"

Both of them never really recovered from that time where they almost lost their sweet baby girl. Everyone believed that she would not pull through the sickness and would die from respiratory problems. Bonnibel and Marceline prayed day and night for the survival of their girl and couldn't believe their eyes the second day when she was making improvements. After that time they loved watching her strive and grow up to be the beautiful toddler she is now.

"Of course I remember, I can't ever get that horrid thought out of my head. But marcy, if millie fought that disease and gained her health back, it means that she can simply move past the flu and become energetic again. Don't worry that pretty head of yours and drink your hot choco because it's getting cold." Bonnie chuckled slightly at the blush that formed on Marcy's cheeks and praised herself.

" At first I thought it was weird to have hot chocolate with cinnamon but this stuff is actually genius. Our poor bubba discovered something delicious and mouth watering." Marceline exclaimed while whimsically sipping her drink.

Bonnie laughed softly while nudging her daughter and massaging her scalp. "Wake up baby girl, I made some hot choco that will help your sore throat and make you feel better."

" I'm too tired mommy." Amelia murmered softly while coughing and snuggling into her mother more. She wasn't pleased that her mother couldn't hug her properly because she was sipping her own drink.

"C'mon baby, I know you're tired but mommy promises that this will make you feel better and then you can continue your nap, sweetheart." Marceline says softly

Amelia sits straighter and rests her back on the enormous pack of pillows. Bonnie sits on the other side of the bed and helps her daughter sip her drink softly as she can't drink that well from a cup yet.

" When we get better, can mommy start teaching me the piano again? I like playing the piano alot." Millie explains happily while hugging bonnie and scooting closer to her. Even though she was still three years old, the child was simply a genius who inherited her passion for music from Marcy and her smartness from bonnie.

" When you get better again, we can spend the entire day playing instruments and singing till you get tired from all the fun that we will have." Marceline promised her daughter gently.

" Momma, would you tell me a story?" Amelia murmurs softly. She finished her drink and cuddles herself closer to both her mothers. She convinced bonnie to take a break from all the work she has and to have a nap with them knowing that her mothers can't resist saying no to her.

"Of course sweetie pie. What would you like the story to talk about?"

"About princess bubblegum the ruler of the candy kingdom and Marceline the vampire queen." Melia exclaimed happily while clapping her hands.

Both her mothers chuckled softly knowing that she would choose this story because she favors it over the others.

"In a time far away from this one lived a candy princess who was too busy ruling her kingdom and protecting her citizens to realize that she was lonely and needed someone to accompany her in this big castle" bonnie started the story while stroking her daughter's hair.

" And Marceline the vampire queen was floating around when she saw a really high tower that provoked her interest. Little did she know that the love of her life while be right up there conducting experiments and isolating herself from others." Continued marcy with a smile tugged on her lips.

The sweet family all drifted of to sleep after finishing the story and their hot chocolates.

I literally started writing this at 4 am and now it's 5:30 am so sorry for the grammatical errors. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter❤️

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