Me and luca were running around school making sure stuff was in check....
no im just yanking your chain. I heard this rumor that this one boy was going to kiss my best friend and I was not going to let him ruin her fist kiss so me and luca were both racing around after school trying to find them.. we both had radios with us that's until I found them
when you have super speed its like time is frozen so I saw a half scared to death Kristy and a boy with his tongue out.
it looked like he was going to lick her instead of kiss her so I did what any person with super speed would do I grabbed my friend and got the hack out of there.
I ran straight to our secret place was.. it was about three miles away from our school but it took me like 30 seconds....
(it looks like this)
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it was outdoors so we could run.. we also had a pool it was big....
so we got there and Kristy looked at me with relief
"thank god you came to my rescue it was going to be horrible" said kristy
"no problem" I said then turned to my radio "jinx to luca I got kristy bad luck out over" I said
"roger that lucky charms, im going over" said luca over the radio..