" I mean I didn't do the designing " Kristy said with a whistle as she looked around the lab to hide when the situation gets rough
"wait---then who designed it..." I said as I feared the worst and the worst that I feared came..
" I did " luca said loud and proud..
"you got to be kidding me.." I said and mind linked him
'dude why did you do this its so ugh it shows to much' I thought
'well first off its hilarious second off you look great in it and third when do you want to make an appointment with Laura so we can dye our hair..' he answered back
'ok fine im not mad at you but you could do better and also what do you like of my costume' I said with a little fling of flirt..
'uhh..' that's all he managed to think looking like a lightning struck puppy
'hahaha your face its hilarious ok when do you want to make an appointment' I thought laughing
'tomorrow afternoon about when school ends 'he thought while his eyes wandered around my body Kristy noticed this and snapped him out of the daze "hay her eyes are up here " Kristy said pointing to my pitch black eyes.
"no shit Sherlock" he said
"fuck you Wilson" I snapped back. I know it wasn't my fight but hey I wanted to do that come back since I fist herd it.
ok so I wet into the lab bathroom and changed into normal clothes I got out in white shorts and a shirt that read Pikachu with the Pokémon Pikachu.
i packed my stuff in the poke bag and speed real fast towards my room
(just telling you everyone has a room like Kristy had her own room and luca does too and so does jinx kk)
i looked at my green room and put the bag on my bed i put on my normal gloves that i wear every day and sped towards Kristy and luca. i saw they were holding luca's letter and luca was reading his i went over towards mine an there was another letter in purple paper and it said only for my eyes only. i saw that luca was reading a blue sheet and that Kristy was in the kitchen making a sandwich.
the letter read:
''dear Jenifer Grimm AkA jinx,
we know we don't have that much time left so there will be a backpack with your suit. and a vial i hope you read the fist letter and have gone through the pain already it will enhance your senses only two of then hearing and eyes sight . it will also help you unlock two new powers they will come to you one of them will come to you in your dreams the other when you meet a friend, she will be there for you she doesn't know who you are or if you even exist.. also we chose the color purple because its the first word you said, same with luca.. stay safe and love one another also there is a secret compartment in both luca and yours back pack yours has the syringe and luca has the device.
you have to inject this into Kristy ,it will hurt her so restrain her,she will unlock one single ability and will be mind linked to you we did this so she wouldn't betray you just because you have powers and she doesn't also be jelous of you and luca
~~~~ with love, signed
Lucy and Keith Grimm''
well then i love them too they were the best parents ever
"hey luca get the thing we have to inject Kristy meet me back here in.." i started
"about thirteen seconds" he said racing off. and i left towards my room i found the secret bag and it had the cylinder filled with green liquid
i went back into the living room and found Kristy restrained on the floor "good thinking luca give me the device ." i said "i need to put her down im sorry old pal" i joked
she screamed and it made me laugh he gave me the syringe and i poked her on the neck with it as i saw the green liquid disappear into her body she yelled bloody murder and whys i just left her there with the restraint.
about thirty minutes passed and she stopped yelling she was looking at the ceiling
'hay are you alive' i mind linked her
'wait are you in my head why am i not dead' she mind linked as she looked at me
'oh because i was joking about the putting you down thing that was just to distract you from the pain' i lied
'oh ok then what did you guys do?' she asked
'well do you feel any different like smarter hotter colder ' luca thought
"actually now that you asked i do feel strange"she said
"ok let me ask you a question just wait "I ran to my school back pack and got my advanced home work out and looked at Kristy
"ok so what's the degrees of the tower of pizza and why was it built" i asked i looked at Kristy and her eyes they were like tech
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" it's (due to stupid stuff i don't have an answer so just make a smart one up...by now you should know that she is super smart and if not.....-_- then...Kristy is super smart her ability is super smart ) that's the answer" she answered
"oh my god she's super smart" luca said taking her out of her restraint
"she does.. and she is like us now.." i said giving her a hug.. then luca we had a group hug it was perfect until. someone's hand snaked towards my butt and it gave it a squeeze.
"hay um can whoevers hands are is on my butt please take them off" i said sternly i then released one of my hands and touched the hand and tugged on it i didn't let go of the hand. i let go of the hug and tugged on the hand i looked up to find LUCA!! wtf
"umm hi?" he said with blush on his cheeks
'omfg he's blushing Kristy what's do i do' i privately mind linked her
'ugh run to your room and lock it i will give you dinner and wow he really made a move now...' she though
'ok here goes nothing' i thought
i smiled and i rushed with super speed towards my room i locked it and sat there i turned on the tv and went to Netflix i started to watch anime what time is it 8:00 oh its still early i waited an hour waiting for Kristy with dinner finally the door opened "um hay i talked to luca and well um its private also here's dinner wait what happened did he just put his hand on your butt or.."
"he squeezed my butt " i said blushing to be honest it felt kind of nice...shit don't think like that!!
"oh did you like it... i bet you did on your face right now "she said I just stuffed my face i was mad blush
as i finished i went out of the room with Kristy following me "where's luca " i asked
"hes in the kitchen" Kristy answered
"thanx you now of you don't mind i need to talk to luca alone" i said she understood and she left to god knows were.
i entered the kitchen and saw luca eating a sandwich he stopped mid bite and looked at me