in the shower i thought about the power that I got was it even real? what power did I sacrifice?
I got out of the shower and put n some casual clothes my Pikachu shirt with daisy flower shorts and gamer high tops. and my gloves.
I exited my bathroom and entered my room. I took a good look at my phone I wanted to see if it was really true but first I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to rott the phone so I took out a peice of wood
(don't question my method of writing and were she got the price of wood she just has one..)
I took my gloves off and tried my right hand first.. I was surprised.. the wood didn't rot. then I tried the left one and the wood rotted and I threw it out the window so it could decompose or whatever rotten things do.
I put my left glove back on so I wouldn't rot anything, then I tested what I dreamed of I put my left hand up to my phone and was instantly sucked into the world of technology. then I heard
'I wasn't expecting you back this early' mako said
"well I wanted to see if this was a true thing and not a dream" I responded
'well then go ahead you know what to say' mako said
"jinx control pad" I said and the purple door opened with a black j on it. I went in it as the things went inside. there the things were just as they were the see wall and the research center
'I forgot to mention this last night but the see wall is also a portal to the location you are seeing, it works either you can transfer inside their phone or in the real life outside of where the phone is. and don't worry your phone will be in your pocket when you use the portal into other phones or other places .and sorry?' mako said
"and you forgot this why?!?" I asked mako
'I was in a rush it was going to dawn and you were going to wake up ok don't blame me' mako complained
" its ok just let me be in scilence and tell me when its 7:23 please and thank you " I said to mako
"its 7:40 " mako exclaimed
"what the duck im going to be late for school.. umm.. see wall I would like too see Kristy from her phone camera " I yelled and the see wall turned itself so I could see that Kristy was already changed and was with luca waiting in the kitchen very so not patiently.ohhhhh maaaaa gauuuuddddd I need to hurry the duck up
"well bye mako see you later" I yelled and went through the portal.
I was now on the floor in front of Kristy and luca.
"where's my back pack?" was the first thing that came to mind and I said
"its right here " Kristy said picking up my back pack from the counter no questions asked
"lets go ill tell you on the way. luca you take Kristy. Race you there" I said then luca was off without warning I tried running fast but couldn't what the hack I couldn't run fast any more. . I lost my super speed
'hay what's holding you up we are already in the back of the school..' luca mind linked
'what's up you should be here by now' Kristy also mind linked
'there is sort of problem' I answered them
'what problem' luca said stiffly
'watt is it' Kristy blurted out
'I lost my super speed I know it sounds bad but just stay there I know how to get to you' I answered
'ok' they both said
so I put my hand on the phone and teleported inside I said
" jinx control pad" I said
I went into the room and said
" see wall Kristy's phone camera please"
I then went into the portal witch led me behind the school with Kristy and luca
" here I am also I will explain later we are late now lets go
~~~~~I will skip after all the classes and right now its after school this is right after you told Kristy and luca all about your new power cause im too lazy too type all the convo!~~~~~~
" wow that is so much to take in but is a fair trade for super speed" said Kristy as we were walking to the hair salon for our after school appointment
" it is pretty cool I can access any phone,computer or TV " I said
"so all technology pretty much " luca said
"yup" I said
we got to the salon and got our hair done I decided on jet black hair with purple highlights cause screw it purple is awesome. and luca got it silver it fit him perfectly he looked even more cute than he already was Wait what am I thinking...oh well its already in your head...
'hehe I know what your thinking' mind linked Kristy
'h-how ' I answered back
'im super smart and I can read minds peaty cool just don't tell luca' she said
'ok but if you don't tell luca what I was thinking' I told her
we went back home and two more days past we all did our homework .you know teenage stuff and guess what.I know how I can change really fast now into my super hero suit,I took it in with me to the virtual world into my door I now call it my galaxy cause im the only one that can get in here. I put my super hero suit in a little closet I found in there a few hours ago and I can change really quickly I can just touch it in the virtual world and it instantly replaces the clothes I was currently wearing into the super hero suit and I can go through the portal with it.
really cool anyways like I said it has been 2 days since I got the powers and as always I was late to school and so was my team aka Kristy and luca.
it was 7:50 and school started at 7:45 luca super sped with Kristy to the back of the school and I teleported with my backpack to them the real problem I needed to go the little ladies room.
" Kristy luca I really need to go to the bathroom you guys go to class I don't want to make you any more late than you are already go ahead ill join you" I said
they gave me an anime nod ( XD) and left
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I went to the bathroom and went well bathroom..
after that I was running towards my classroom when I crashed into someone.
little did I know it was some that would play a huge part in my life...
ok so check out my best friends book Out Of The Shadows byBrooklinRay its sort of a cross over she has her story on her point of view..