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AN- I know that it is a short beginning, but bare with me it will get better. I do not own doctor who. Doctor who is property of BBC. Small characters like Sapphire Quarter and Distents are my own.


Sapphire Quarter was a 1,839 year old Nymph from the planet of Cyell. She was shorter than most, dark blue wavy hair (hints the name Sapphire), and pale skin. She wore thin, rectangular, black glasses but not all the time. She had grown up hearing the stories of the Doctor. He was a savior of worlds and destroyer of evil. Since her planet was enslaved by the Distents (green, nymph eating, over ruling, slimy, monsters) to be taken and sold to all and any alien race throughout time and space. She had dreamed that the Doctor would defeat the Distents and save her race but it had been 2,000 years since the Doctor had set foot on, what used to be a beautiful place for peace, the planet of Cyell in the Sontron district. She has watched her people suffer and was brutally abused, physically and mentally. She tries to learn secrets of the Distents as well as keeping her own secrets.

2,000 years ago Cyell was taken over by Cylora Radiation, it turns your body into a radioactive death machine, which was released from bombs that were set off in an attempt to kill the High-Dutchess in 110,736 (Cylock years). Some, 50, years later the Distents offered a deal that was to good to refuse. To use Cyell as a military base and to use Nymphs as soldiers or servents. In exchange they granted her immortality. She also implied that her daughter can not be harmed in any way shape or form. But little did she know immortality could be a curse. The Distents contained her in a void reality where her people have always been safe. She is realistically in a mental asylum. Her daughter was adopted by the leading female of the Distents, Mastress Lenon. Sapphire Quarter, daughter of the High-Dutchess, still visits her mom on account of Mastress. Sapphire is injected with Cylora radidation everyday because, oddly, her body can convert the radiation into energy.

The Distents have been challenged by a rebel, the Blue Tyrant. Blu, Blue Tyrant, wears a mask made of blue silk, deep wavy blue hair, a baby blue tank top, a dark blue leather jacket, jeans, and blue leather boots. She, Blu, is a leader to the people. She was captured once but escaped by an energy blast that knocked out her guards. The Distents suspect Sapphire as the rebel, but she is locked in her room every night so she can't escape.

When the Doctor comes

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