Chapter One: Unwanted

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Just after High-Dutchess was locked forever in a mental waste land, her daughter was unwanted in every Nymphs' household. The Mastress unwillingly adopted her to use her for testing and to teach her in the ways of Distents. Sapphire had a secret that would give the Distents ultimate power over all time and space. She was fast, head-strong, thoughtful, and sassy.

One day while out in the garden the Mastress was in the garden teaching Sapphire, now 1963 old, the importance of being healthy and beautiful, even though Mastress has a slimy green completion. Suddenly they heard a 'vwroooom, vwroooooom' and a deep blue police box appeared in the garden. At that moment Sapphire knew exactly who it was. She started to cry. Her mom always talked about him and how he said he would come back but he never did. She was filled with rage and anger. A mop of brown hair popped out of the door. He wore red suspenders, a tweed jacket, and a bow tie. She laughed to herself and thought 'how could mom be crying over him'.

"Why, Hello there!" the stranger said while stepping out of the contraption to reveal a tall redheaded girl ,with a red sweater, black jeans, and black boots, and a short blonde headed man, with jeans, a plaid t-shirt, and a dark colored vest. The Mastress pulled out a gun. The man put his hands up while talking to the others. "Oi!" the girl said with an accent that was different than his. Sapphire hit Mastress in the back of the neck, caught her, and grabbed the stun-gun. "Aww. Thank you!" the short man walked over to her, but she moved back. "You are unwanted here." Sapphire said pointing the stun-gun at the girl. "Wait. There must a misunderstanding. This is Amy and Rory. I'm the Doctor!" the man spoke, a wave of panic in his voice.

"I know who you are!" Sapphire said tears streaming down her face. She shot at the man but missed hitting the beautiful piece of machinery behind him. She dropped the gun and sat on a bench. "I know who you are..." she muttered to herself over and over again. "Sorry but what planet is this and what year?" Amy sat down next to her took of Sapphire's netted hat off and set it on the bench. Deep blue hair spilled out in big curls. "The planet of Cyell in the Sontron District. The year is 112,313. The reigning high emperor is Altea leader of the Distents." she couldn't stop crying even if she wanted to. "I'm terribly sorry but, could you say that last part again?" The Doctor was scanning and examining the machine. With that question Sapphire stood up grabbed the gun and pressed her index finger into her wrist. A few sparks flew by as she disappeared.

"No, no, no!" The Doctor was scanning everything in the garden with his green sonic screwdriver. "Um, Doctor what happened?" Amy inquired whilst looking around. "She is one brilliant being I'll tell you that!" He said while reading the sonic's results: 'Cylora Radiation Detected'. "You see Amy, the girl that shot my TARDIS..." Doctor shouted the last part then waited a few seconds. "was infected by Cylora Radiation." Amy stood up and examined the burned mark on the TARDIS. "Is that bad Doctor? I mean will it kill her?" Rory sounded worried, even though she had only met the girl he felt bad for the injured. "Surprisingly no. In the scan it said her body was immune to the radiation and the deadly effects." the Doctor waited a moment before he continued. "She is like a living vortex manipulator. It's like my TARDIS except on a bracelet. Equals shorter time for travel and quick get aways. Come along Ponds. We are going on an adventure!" The Doctor, Amy, and Rory walked towards the nearest civilization unaware the being behind the TARDIS.

Sapphire's POV:

After the Doctor and his assistants were a safe distance away I walked to the front of the machine. The machine opened its doors. Surprised I walked in. "And just were have you been?" a voice very familiar called. I turned around to see Mom standing on some stairs. I was done with being afraid to ask questions. "What are you doing in here?" I said sternly. "I am this wonderful machine called Time And Relative Dimension In Space , or The TARDIS." At this point I was stumped. If mom was here then who was insane and captured by the Distents? "No," I stated blankly. "I'm sorry what?!" She looked confused. "No! No! No!" I scream and sank to the floor. My long blue dress changed to some jeans and a t-shirt. It's this thing that happens when I get mad. I have like a split personality, sort of.

"I'm am getting us out of here," I said standing up and walked over to what I think is the console or control center. "What do you mean? I am stuck in here forever and eternity." she said trying to divert me from what I was doing. "I can feel the time vortex in my veins. I can disappear and reappear minutes, hours, or days later! I can travel miles in seconds! I'm pretty sure I can fly a time machine or a TARDIS or whatever you call it!" I yelled in anger as I was pressing buttons, flipping levers, and turning wheels. Suddenly we slowly appeared at the Asylum where all of the resistance, all of my people were held. As we landed I heard a noise, a very beautiful noise. The same noise I heard in the garden but this time it was in my head. It got louder and louder. Suddenly I was weak and unable to stand. I sank to the floor and watched the doors close.

Before I could refuse we materialized probably pretty close to wherever the Doctor was because he came running inside and scanned me with his sonic device. Rory, I was now assuming as a nurse, was questioning me as my eyes grew heavy. The Doctor leaned down and shot something in my arm. I became limp and could only move my eyes and mouth. Mom and Amy grabbed my arms and helped my to a chair. Now I was calm, sort of. I mean how calm would you be if the man who made your mother a ghost and was about to destroy your planet made you a weakling. Okay she was angry.

"Before I attempt to rip your heads off, what and why?" I said waiting for an answer. I could tell they were surprised at my behavior towards them, but they should have expected this. The Doctor was the only one, as far as I could tell, that got my question. He looked at me and chuckled. Now I was infuriated! I looked at Mom and she was scared. She knows I can be scary. I closed my eyes and focused the 'limping serum' in my eyes. When I opened them the serum turned into a glowing yellow mist. I looked at him, he was still laughing. When he stopped and looked at me I cut the power, and grabbed the assistants' hands and left, materialized back at the Asylum. I let go of their hands and sprayed them with a cloaking serum that will keep them undetectable by the Doctor.

"Why would you do that?" Amy questioned. I snapped my fingers and we were in the library. I pulled a book off the shelf. It was entitled 'The Doctor: A Stranger in Time'. They looked at me obviously very confused. I plugged the data chip into the spine of the book and started from the beginning. "How much do you know about your Doctor?" I inquired while pressing some buttons. They looked at each other then looked back. "He saves worlds and people." Rory said hoping he answered correctly. "He comes as a friend to every innocent being." Amy said while giving me a friendly look. I laughed. I will admit my laugh is scary, or at least that how their faces looked. "Rule number one: The Doctor lies," I looked at them and pulled up a picture of a beautiful orange planet, the title said 'Gallifrey: The Time Planet'. I showed them the history of Gallifrey and the Doctor. They looked horrified at the story. When I had finished explaining the book I heard the 'vwooom vwooooooom' again he came back and he was furious.

The Doctor's POV:

She had left with Amy and Rory. How could I have underestimated her? She was clearly almost, maybe, possibly, as smart as me. Idris stood there smiling while she turned the power back on. I looked at her and she just kept smiling. "What aren't you telling me Idris?" I asked angrily. She looked at me and giggled. "You are stumped. Aren't you Doctor?" Idris giggled and the lights flipped on. Apparently it is hilarious when I'm angry or stuck on something. "I am not 'stumped', I am angry. And Idris who is the Sapphire person?" I inquired determined to get an answer. "She is a rebel of the Distents but is a 'child' of the leading lady." she paused waiting for my reaction, then continued. "Her mother had the Eye of Harmony put inside her head. After that incident her mother was held on the TARDIS, but she knew she had to return to Cyell. So she sent a decoy back to Cyell and it was locked away in a mental universe of her own. I'm guessing that she is probably mad at you because you did this to her mother and you're going to ruin the plan of the Blu Tyrant!" she finished and I could tell that those couple of sentences were a mouth full. She handed me a pendant and I put it in my locator-mi-bob and sure enough there she was in the Library of Everything. He materialized to find them looking at his history. Amy and Rory looked appalled but, to my surprise, Amy came over and gave me a hug.

Sapphire's POV:

Well the Time Boy had his friends back. Now hopefully I have convinced them to convince him to go away. I mean I don't know about them, but I don't want my home planet to be destroyed because of some mad man with a very very awesome blue box. I mean if he doesn't leave then I'll threaten to take that brilliant machine away and never return it. "I just learned your story and no I will not leave this planet!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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