Chapter Five Lekcie

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I slammed into the ground, I look around and Caro is nowhere in sight. Not like it really mattered though, the invisible rope is pulling me harder than ever before. I don't know where I am or where I'm going, all I know is that if I don't run as fast as I can, this pulling sensation might just rip out all my internal organs. As I run around a very large tree my body collides with something warm and soft. When I look into the eyes of the man I just ran into it feels like someone cut the rope.

"I am so sorry. I was just going for a run and you came out of nowhere." I lied.

"Are you training for the Olympics, cause that was some crazy intense running. I'm Malakai by the way. Who are you?" He asked in a deep yet gentle voice.

I can't find a reply. I am in awe of the man before me. His warm olive skin and piercing blue eyes make the rest of the world disappear. His black hair is buzzed short, and he is clean shaven. He's about a foot taller than me and has broad muscular shoulders. I can tell that he works out even though he is wearing a loose shirt.

"Hey, are you still with me? I'm Malakai. What's your name?"

His voice brings me back from my daydream. "I'm Lekcie," I reply, my voice shaking.

Malakai's eyes survey my body, stopping at my feet. "Do you always run barefoot? You're feet look like hell."

"Um, well, I guess I must have forgotten my shoes today." I look down embarrassed by my lame answer. But I couldn't help it, he was so beautiful, it was messing with my ability to think straight.

"Why don't you come inside and I'll help you get cleaned up?" Malakai offered. He nodded his head towards the direction of his house. Malakai's house was fairly large with a balcony on the second floor and a flower garden in the backward. The exterior walls were a despicable yellow.

"That would be amazing thank you." I accepted.

Malakai's house is warm and inviting, something my house hasn't been in years. He leads me to the bathroom where he fills the bath with a few inches of water. I hike up my dress and sit on the edge of the bathtub. As I put my feet into the water it feels as though I am walking on burning hot coals. I bite my tongue to keep myself from screaming.

"Can I get you anything?" Malakai asked.

I cleared my throat before saying, "No I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute."

Malakai waited a few seconds before replying as if wondering what he should say next, "I'll be just outside if you need anything."

I held my tears in until I heard the door close. The water is a brownish pink; when I lift up my right foot to examine it, I tried to choke back the bile rising in my throat, but I couldn't keep it in any longer, I threw up into the bath water at the sight of the deep lacerations.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and take my other foot out of the water. I drained the bathtub and threw up again at the sight of the chunks of old food circling the drain.

Malakai knocks on the door, " Is everything okay in there?" He asked.

 I didn't know what to do so I shouted "Come in." and Malakai walked in meekly.

Tears started welling up in my eyes. I was completely embarrassed by the display I created in front of me. Malakai walked over to grab a towel and gently wrapped  it around me. He then proceeded to softly wipe my tears away.

"You should get some rest, I'll bring you to the couch then clean everything up." Malakai said totally unaffected by the disturbing mess I am leaving behind.

With the towel still around me Malakai picked me up like I was weightless, and carried me to the couch. When he put me down I closed my eyes, to modified to look at him.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew there was something poking me in the back repeatedly. "Wanna play? Wanna play? Wanna play?" I hear chirping in my ear. I roll over to see a smaller version of the man I ran into in the woods, I couldn't for the life of me remember his name at the moment. "You don't look good. What's wrong with you?" the little boy asked.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, I remember his name, Malakai. Malakai came out of the bathroom and saw the two of us talking, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better." I crocked, my throat felt really sore and  when I went to sit up the whole world started spinning.

Malakai rushed over and put his hand on my shoulder, "Maybe you should lie back down." He suggested.

I nodded and did as he instructed. Malakai walked into the kitchen and returned a moment later with a bottle of water in his hand. "Here, have something to drink."

I take a sip, completely disgusted by what the water tasted like, the image of the vomit in the bathtub came rushing back, and looked up at Malakai, "Thank you, I really needed that. Do you mind if I take this with me? I really should be going."

"Of course. But only if you let me drive you home."

"Deal," I said smiling.

"OooOoooo. You've got a girlfriend." The little boy is grinning as if he made the ultimate insult.

"Oh shut up Ezra," Malakai said jokingly as colour flushed into his cheeks. "I'll be right back, little brother."

I take another sip of water before Malakai helps me to my feet. He puts his arm around my waist to steady me as we walk out to his car. The ride back to my house felt long and awkward, only breaking the silence to give him directions. When we get to my place I quickly thank Malakai than hop out of the car to save myself from any more humiliation. Cringing when my bare feet hit the dirty sidewalk that leads up to my house.

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