0.4 - luke

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luke's "friends" dropped him off at his house at 2:22am. he managed to clumsily walk up the path to his front door, and unlock it. he realized that he had fucked up once he had stumbled his way up the stairs and was faced with a very angry liz hemmings. his mother was not at all happy to see him after hours of him drinking and maybe even trying some drugs (he was so drunk he didn't even remember.) he was lectured about how "you're only 17!" and "do you think colleges are going to accept you if this is how you spend your free time?" and "did it ever occur to you that this might be a bad idea?" but only briefly because liz knew he would barely remember it in the morning. she then helped him get to his bedroom, just so he didn't run into any walls or anything, and to bed where he would probably end up sleeping the whole next day. at 2:37am, before he fell asleep, he texted who he thought was a girl he met at the party, however, he was very wrong.

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sorry this was really boring but it should get more interesting soon !!

also i changed my username but i was too lazy to make a new cover so sorry it doesn't match 😂

thanks for reading!! pls follow/vote/comment (maybe even share if u like it ??)

and u can follow my twitter if you want !! @/tinyplanetmgc

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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