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I can't believe I'm here with Tristan and Ollie. All of us laying on the bed watching the other. Tristan kisses Olivia on the forehead, she snuggles closer to him gripping his shirt.

"She's so tiny, I can't believe how small she is." He sighs. "I don't know how you did it Soph, how you had her alone. I'm so sorry."

"Don't beat yourself up, it wasn't your fault Ami got to me. You did everything you could to keep me safe. All that matters is you're here and I'm here. We're safe now. Olivia is healthy and loves you so much."

He smiles content with my words, "Told you it was going to be a girl."

"Shut up, I'll get my son even if I have to wait a year to see it happen."

"We could start sooner than that you know?" Tristan grins wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Absolutely not." I laugh, "I want Ollie to be a little older first."

"Fair enough. I have plenty of time to change your mind and eat your-"

"Tristan if you finish that sentence I'll kick your teeth in." I stop him just seconds before Theresa barges in like a woman possessed.

"My grandbaby!" She cooes getting teary eyed at the sight of Olivia. Gerry trails behind her keeping his distance.

I'm not sure why, I'd never keep Olivia from her grandparents, can't say the same for Tristan.

He acts as if handing her over is the end of the world. He only allows Theresa 10 minutes of holding time before he reaches for her again.

"She's so beautiful, my little Alpha to be. Oh I'm so excited for you too, Gerry quit being a fly on the wall and hold her!" Theresa yanks Gerry by the hand.

He looks unsure of himself as Tristan hands the baby over. "Don't drop my kid, dad."

"Shut up." We all say in unison.

"Gerry was the same way when you were born, a nervous wreck. It took me a whole two days to get him to even pick you up." Theresa explains and it makes sense.

Once they leave a new wave of people come in, everybody's been instructed not to mention or ask about what's happened to me or where Ami is.

For that I'm thankful, I'm trying to be as calm and collected as possible.

My dad, Dilynn and Dustin walk through the door and I can't stop crying running to my dad hugging him.

We're all huddled together crying, everything I tried to push to the back of my mind comes up. All the emotions I've been holding in spill out, I've missed my friends and my dad. I can't imagine ever being without them again.

"I'm so glad you're hear." I sob.

"Of course we are Sophia, it's been too long. We needed a reunion." Dustin kisses my cheek, "You're okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm here."

They all awe over Olivia taking turns holding her. We try to catch each other up on what's going on in everyone's life.
Just enjoying each others company like old times.

Eventually they but promise to be back tomorrow. Derrick walks in his usual chipper self. "Ready to hold my Godkid."

"Who made you the godparent because I didn't." Tristan huffs handing Ollie over.

"I did and I dare you to say no." I challenge. Tristan smirks, "My parents are going to have a fit Queenie."

"They'll get over it." I shrug. "Ollie needs Derrick, she's going to need someone who can help her in a way we can't. That's why I chose him."

"Sophia you're going to make one hell of a Luna." Derrick winks. "She's a good one Tristan."

"I know."

I feel like we've been around people all day. It was never ending, a couple people leave and five more people came in. I'm sure the whole pack has seen Olivia and reintroduced themselves to me.

Poor Ollie stayed up the whole time to see everyone. Even as I was feeding her or changing her diaper people came and went.

Tristan decided by five o'clock it was time to shut down the visiting. He wanted us to himself now. I was more than happy with his choice.

"That was exhausting." I huff laying back against the headboard. "Is it always like that? People all around you constantly?"

"Sometimes. Except they're asking for something or need me to handle a dispute. You'll be doing the same thing. Theresa will teach you more of what it's like to be a Luna. In addition to the lessons she's already taught you."

"Great more learning." I grumble Olivia smiles up at me like I've said something funny."Oh don't laugh too hard Miss, your daddy has a lot to teach you and then some. You just wait."

"She's going to hate me." Tristan laughs. "All the training she has to endure."

"Don't say that, she'll be fine. She's going to find it so cool that she gets to be a badass like daddy it won't even feel like work."

He nods in agreement still frowning, "What's the matter?"

"Well I was just thinking, what if she asks how we met? What do we tell her?"

"Seriously?" I laugh wiping a tear from my eye. "You're worried about that?"

"It's not funny, yes I'm worried. Along with the boys who will try to claim her. Oh God when she finds her mate."

"Whoa stop right there, we have a long way to go before we start worrying about boys. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it Tristan."

He relaxes smoothing a hand through my hair, "I love you so much you know that?"

"I do, I love you twice as much. I think I know what we can tell Ollie about how we met."


"It was love at first sight but I couldn't help running from him."

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