Caged In Demon Arms [13] My Little Demon Boy

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"Momma! Look what I found!" A little seven-year-old version of me squealed with glee, practically bouncing over to a slightly younger version of my mother and father. Both seated themselves with a dignified stance, watching me with uninterested eyes.

My younger version holds up wild violets to my mother's face, trying to impress her. Yet to our dismay, she merely glances away from them before engaging into another conversation with the duchess from the far west. The only response the girl gets is a "That's nice dear."

I sneer at my mother as my disappointed self sadly nods before racing back to Lee, whom also had watched the sad exchange. Even back then, they treated me like dirt, even though I tried so hard to love them.

Glancing sadly, I remember this memory so vividly that it pains me. It was the beginning of the New Year ball if I remembered correctly. Light snow powdered parts of the land and had sadly killed most of the flowers that have lived throughout the spring till fall. All that was left that held vibrant color was just these bright, almost cheery violets that shimmered within the suns peeking face through the thick, low white clouds.

Losing myself within the scene, my eyes wondered from the party and slowly followed my younger self.

My little feet sink into the snow, as it grew thicker within the woods as I glided easily over it; as if I weighed like a mere feather. I knew exactly where my past self was heading towards. My body, memory, and spirit could feel the sensation it once felt as we walked deeper into the woods, climbing, and combing through tall hills and bushes that were slick from patches of solid ice.

It's been years, yet this memory always founds its own way to come back once in a while and memorize me.

The air grew colder as the wind weaved their tiny fingers through the thick trees, brushing gently against my revealed neck as I inwardly shiver. My little version could feel the coldness sweep in as she rubbed her bare shoulders, trying to keep warm within her little blue party dress that my parents made me wear.

Suddenly, as I had expected to happen, a small, but gentle tune filled the air. I remembered, when I was alone in my room, I find my self-humming this beautiful melody.

It was like all the snow beneath the ice had melted away, revealing fresh sunshine and new spring grass that had long been asleep revive once more. My heart fluttered as I lose myself within time, my body, and feeling as though I could soar high in the sky.

I watched my little self-stare in amazement, her tiny frame swaying a bit to the melody as she drifted farther into the forest, losing herself as she went along. It had been about half an hour till the tantalizing melody came to an abrupt end, making my little version freed from her trance like state.

She heard rustlings within the bushes when she pushed past them, revealing the most gorgeous boy that both mini me and I have ever seen. He stared directly at my past self, with hypnotic violet eyes that gleamed like dark, mischief amethysts. His raven black hair looked soft to the touch as it hung perfectly over his modest broad shoulders. My memory told me he was maybe twelve as I looked over his glowing features. His face, just like the rest of his features, reminded me of an angle...or in his case, a dark angel.

I knew exactly what my younger self was thinking at the time. Something along the lines of how we envied his perfect hair, as well as his rare eye color that we had never seen before.

"Who are you?" My mini twin asked bravely, pushing his beauty aside while looking at the boy with intrigued eyes as he stood there with a blank expression. Obviously the boy was not impressed with my past self's bravery.

"A demon." He said bluntly, avoiding his name as he watched my little face pale at first, yet the color revived with a pink flush.

"Well demon, I'm Kara Fang. What are you doing on my land?" I had a tendency to act exactly like my father, which meant a strong, over commanding jerk off.

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