Caged In Demon Arms: [14]: Advances

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For tei768, because she asked with a cherry on top :)

Also, this won't be discontinued but there is an improved version of this. It's called "Never Meant To Be." If you're willing to bare my old writing style of this story than continue with it but if you just want one solid view point and better grammar I suggest the newer version. (It's a lot more descriptive.)


I felt a hand run down my spine, causing shivers to travel throughout my body. I already knew who was beside me. I also knew he had complete control over me.

I hated this.

It was bad enough he had marked me but to not mention that he knew me when I was a child was just unforgivable!

I turned slowly, unwillingly. I knew what might happen when I looked at his too-perfect face. His eyes were closed while his breathing was a slow, almost a dream like fashion, but I knew better.

He was waiting.

Waiting for me to speak and pretend to just wake up like he knew nothing.

I won't let this 'Thing' win against me. He may have left this accursed mark upon me, but that didn't mean he had had complete control over my emotions and actions.


I say yet because this man probably had something up his sleeve.

So I just laid there, my eyes fixed into a firm glare. My arms stayed limply at my sides, never daring to move forward or back. Though I didn't seem the most patient person in the world, that didn't mean I couldn't try.

My heart rate was at normal pace, making sure he wouldn't be able to tell if I was anxious or furious while I waited for him to slowly realize my eyes were boring holes into his skin.

Yet, slowly, and to my annoyance, my patients was waning thin until it finally started dancing its little toes along my last nerve.

I need answers.

And god help me, he was going to wake up either willingly or forcefully.

"Rath darling, its time to wake up." I cooed softly, letting one of my hands lightly caress his cheek as I turn to face him. My hopes of receiving a grunt or replied were crushed when he just shifted his weight onto me before pulling my body closer. His face nuzzled my neck lovingly as his hands run down my spine.

"It time to get up." I try again, the 'sweet and loving' technique was straining in my voice. It failed miserably though when he just complied by shoving his face deeper into my black locks.

"I know your pretending." I said icily, pushing my body away from the man with as much force as possible. What was this man made of? Stone?!

"It's rude to wake people from their dreaming."His deep voice rumbles, half lidded violet eyes staring into my brown ords in amusement. I held my breath as he silently played with a random black lock.

"How was your rest?" he asked, his voice deep from sleep as rest his head on the pillow. I wondered when he'd let go of me.

"Good until you showed up." I grumbled lowly, not liking how he was looking at me.

"I was in your dream?" He raised a brow, watching me with a strange gleam in his violet depth. I made sure to look away before they could drag me down into their alluring pools.

"Nightmare actually." I remark as I tried to sit up, but find my body immobile. A little voice in my mind told me he was doing this but I just mark it off since I was still probably weak from yesterday.

"What kind of a nightmare?" He asked as he leaned in, his warmth breath caressing my face.

"What does it matter? It's gone now." I try not to blush as silence embraces the room. If I had the chance I would have turned so my back was to him again. I should have just woke him up and raced out of the room so I would have to be in the same room with this demon. A demon that had the gall to mark me!

"Why didn't I recall it." I whispered to myself, not intending for Rath to hear.

"Recall what? His voice held with genuine curiosity.

"Why didn't I recall it when I met you in the forest?" I said again, glaring at him with fierce intensity. Either he was really good at pretending or was just oblivious to things.

"What are you talking?" when he said this I growled, literally.

"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about this," I shove my marked wrist into his line of sight. "Accursed thing you left on me!"

I watched as Rath raises a brow at my actions before gazing to my wrist. His violet eyes at first inspect the mark with curiosity before they widen with familiarity. I knew it.

"Ah that." He as he lifted a hand to trace the pattern as he sits up on one elbow. I observe his black hair tumble over the sides of his face. "I placed a little spell that was supposed to keep those memories asleep until you meet me again. I didn't realize how strong I placed it thought."

"Why did you not tell me?" I refrain myself from losing my temper, knowing it wouldn't do any good.

"I felt when the time was right you'd just remember." He shrugged as he leaned in and tried to place his head upon my shoulder again. I moved though, not liking the closeness between us.

"Stop that." I mummer, looking down as I ignore his bemused expression. The man was probably just faking it.

"Stop what?"

"Being near me, I don't like it." I said through clench teeth, feeling slightly irritated.

"You don't like your little demon boy anymore?" He laughed softly, seeing my brown orbs widen at this. Even in my dreams I wasn't safe from him reading my mind. I loathe this man!

"My demon boy wasn't like you."I hissed, feeling hurt as I harshly shove the other man away from me. There was no possible way that this was the same boy I knew back then.

Sitting up, I didn't even bother to think how I could move as I try to leave the bed. I don't care how weak I was from the injury, I just want out of here!

Yet, when I was just about to leave the bed, a firm grip pulled me back with much force. My eyes instinctively shut as I find myself suddenly underneath Rath, his violet eyes glaring down darkly.

"I hate to say this love, but I am him. We have always been the same and forever will be." He growled as he leaned in, taking my chin into his hand. His lips brush against my ear, causing me to shiver at the touch.

"Don't forget my little dove, you are mine." He said before his lips claimed mine.


And then the author dies, realizing she that she has finally posted this chapter. :o

Comments anyone?

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