Part 1 - The Find

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"Sally! Over here, I found something!" Arabella cried out to her best friend, who was running behind her. "I think it's..." "Sorry Arabella!" Sally interrupted, "It's 5 already. I told my parents I'd be back in time for babysitting. See ya tomorrow, eh?" She called as she ran off. Arabella simply shrugged and bent down to look at the shimmer in the sand. She'd been beach combing for hours and hadn't found anything interesting... Until now.

It was a bracelet. Thin and silver, with multiple gold and turquoise beads making it sparkle. Arabella picked it up, dusted it off and slid it onto her wrist. "Finders keepers!" She chuckled to herself. "Bells! Honey? It's time to go!" Her father called out. "Ugh. Coming, Da!" As Arabella got into the car, ready to drive home, her father inspected her wrist. "What's that, Bella?" He inquired. "Just a bracelet da. No big deal..." She rolled her eyes, "parents can be so nosey." She huffed.

When she got home, Arabella emptied out the bucket of shells onto her bed. She loved beach combing, as she could see the beach from her bedroom window. She dreamt about how nice it would be to swim in it, to feel the waves splashing against her legs. But she couldn't. Her father knew she couldn't swim. Not because she didn't want to, not because she didn't bother learning, but because of her arm.

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